is it possible to change the wake wav sound to some random phrases?
Since we always have to wait for the wake to happen and we can’t immediatly start with our input i thought of having an answer to the wakeword like “how can i help?”, “hm?”, “yes?”, “what do you want?”. If its always the same its probably not that immersive.
i think about possible solutions:
Having a script replacing the wake wav sound file with a random one from another path.
Instead of just playing a wav use the TTS engine to produce a new one.
Created a folder with sentences i wanted as a response:
Since i use google wavenet i just used the rhasspy web ui to say some texts and took the created .wav files from the cache folder.
in sounds i just got following wake path: ${RHASSPY_PROFILE_DIR}/sounds/start_of_input.wav
and since i don’t know any hooks in rhasspy i just used my node-red to run that script via exec node (ssh pi@J4-K4 "sudo /home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles/de/sounds/") when i get a stop listening over MQTT.
Probably not the best way and i don’t like the use of my node-red there, but at least i can control it with different smart-home functions i already got there and extend it to answer special things with different conditions (e.g. time of day).