if i press the “Wake” button from the web interface, i’m able to say a sentence and see the recognized intent published to MQTT, but saying the wakeup word does nothing. this is the setup for the wakeup word:
the rhasspy docker is installed on raspberry 3 with raspbian buster. the mic i’m using is a playstation eyetoy connected through USB. the log shows nothing when i say the wakeup word.
the mic is working fine though, because if i press the “Wake” button and say a sentence, the correct intent is fired through MQTT - i’m using MQTT.fx to see it.
that’s gonna be a bit of a pain to setup… but i found another thing - according to https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wake-word/#pocketsphinx “smaller the number, the less like the keyphrase is to be observed” so i guess you meant to INCREASE it to 1 instead of lowering to 0?
anyway - tried to set it to 1 and still doesn’t recognize it. is there any way to test pocketsphinx individually?
I am wondering if you have some corrupt files or missing some file for your wake word handler. Switching the wake word handler to Porcupine and if that works we have an answer. Now switching shouldn’t be that bad , just a couple of clicks here and there, I’m not talking about setting up a custom wake word, just use the default, Porcupine wake word, its just for testing.
I never got pocketsphinx wakeword to work at all. I used the default Porcupine for a while and then switched to snowboy. Both work without issue. I think your problem is PocketSphinx. (English profiles here)
sorry for not answering yesterday - i got this message when tried to post: “You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 17 hours before trying again.”
training didn’t solve the issue and yes - “Listen for wake word” is checked.
the eyetoy is not the problem since the intent is being recognized easily - even from a distance if i press the “Wake” command manually before - it’s just waking it up by wake up word is the problem.
Doing a little searching, I have found that a lot of people are in the same boat as you on this, and I am not sure why it works for some and not the other. Is there a reason you are set on using pocketsphinx as your wake word handler? It is 3rd in the list as performance goes, 1st porcuoine, and 2nd snowboy. If you would rather not say porcupine you can choose other wake words they provide. This is a link to a list of them: (choose the folder of you OS)
And, you can also make a custom wake word with porcupine, but you have to renew it every 30 days, which could be a pain. That leads you to using snowboy and creating a custom wake word. Now i think using one of these options will clear up your wake word issue, now to just get your intent issue, fixed.
well the reason i use pocketsphinx is that generally i prefer the fully on premise solutions and i thought it was the only one like that. i definitely want to choose a wakeup word and renew it every time is a pain…