Trying to install Rhasspy in a a virtual environment (love the docker, but having issues with the USB mic I’m using) Followed instructions, and finished with copying to /usr/local/bin (in my path) and renaming it to rhasspy. Had to change the permission to make it executable, and change in_place=“yes” to in_place=“no” otherwise it was trying to run things in place. I’m still not up and running, now I’m seeing: Using virtual environment at /home/pi/rhasspy/.venv /usr/local/bin/rhasspy: line 26: rhasspy-voltron: command not found
I don’t know if I’ve missed some part of the instructions(not sure why I had to edit rhasspy to force use of the virtual environment and change the permissions) and why I’m still seeing an error, but anyone whose walked this path before, or can help, I’d really appreciate some guidence.
Hi, I know it’s nearly a year late but did you ever resolve this? I’ve been wrestling with so many things not installing as per documentation over the last week, somehow had old instructions that installed 2.4 yesterday and tried to install 2.5 today and banging my head against a wall with failed dependencies etc etc.
Hi Tony_Tusk,
I did get it to work, but it was painful. The very first thing I did after getting it to work was to take an image of the SD card so I wouldn’t have to do it again.
Take a look at these two threads:
which basically got me to where things were almost working, I did have to chase a couple of things down afterwards.
Let me know how it goes.
Thanks for getting back to me - no luck unfortunately, even the docker container won’t run which is extremely odd - I don’t have the time or inclination to fight against broken software (or configs) but do appreciate you getting back to me.
Sorry to hear that Tony_Tusk. I didn’t see anything posted about issues setting it up in Docker. The Docker install is fairly straightforward, and really is the best way of setting things up. The reason I’m not using it is I have an unusual USB mic that really, really works well with Rhasspy (I can be down the hall in another room and say the key word and request and I get clear recordings and very accurate recognition. If you can let me know what’s giving you a problem with the Docker install, I’d be glad to try to help.
Something on my system had failed in upgrading / activating to python 3.7 to the extent that I couldn’t even upgrade my dist (ubuntu) - also dangerously close to disk limits etc, still don’t know how the docker container was breaking due to that… Finally got OS updated and have tried .deb package install, virtual environment install again and again failed but now the docker container is actually working and serving up the web interface so some progress albeit not yet confirmed actually fully functional