Set up a wake word

I started piddle’n with Rhasspy a couple of days ago and it’s really neat. I installed the docker image and it pretty much just worked. I am using a microphone plugged in to the pc where Rhasspy is installed. I have it talking via mqtt to nodered where I generate statements to control my devices in Domoticz. Now I am try’n to set up a wake word. Under the Settings tab I ticked “Use Pocketsphinx on this device”. I get no response and nothing in the log. The log is a bit hard to follow as I get a steady stream of errors.

[DEBUG:267328249] HermesMqtt: Reconnecting in 5 second(s)
[ERROR:267328249] HermesMqtt: connecting
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/rhasspy/rhasspy/”, line 97, in do_connect
ret = self.client.connect(, self.port)
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘connect’

Reading in this forum I see several people have problems with the wake word but I can’t see a clear path to trouble shoot it. Thanks for listen’n to my ramble’n.

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Can you open an issue on Github to remind me to look into this? It looks like something unrelated to the wakeword. The MQTT client is somehow failing to be set up.

The error described in the original message has stopped. I did my regular weekend os update and a reboot and the errors stopped. I can control my devices ok but still no wake word response. Shall I open an issue on Gtihub for this.

[INFO:1054599] quart.serving: POST /api/listen-for-command 1.1 200 711 3802021
[DEBUG:1054594] InboxActor: -> stopped
[DEBUG:1054592] PocketsphinxWakeListener: loaded -> listening
[DEBUG:1054592] DialogueManager: ready -> asleep
[INFO:1054592] DialogueManager: Automatically listening for wake word
[DEBUG:1054592] DialogueManager: handling -> ready
[DEBUG:1054592] WebSocketObserver: {“intent”: {“name”: “ChangeLightState”, “confidence”: 1.0}, “entities”: [{“entity”: “name”, “value”: “kitchen light”, “raw_value”: “kitchen light”, “start”: 9, “raw_start”: 9, “end”: 22, “raw_end”: 22, “tokens”: [“kitchen”, “light”], “raw_tokens”: [“kitchen”, “light”]}, {“entity”: “state”, “value”: “on”, “raw_value”: “on”, “start”: 23, “raw_start”: 23, “end”: 25, “raw_end”: 25, “tokens”: [“on”], “raw_tokens”: [“on”]}], “text”: “turn the kitchen light on”, “raw_text”: “turn the kitchen light on”, “recognize_seconds”: 0.0010978669743053615, “tokens”: [“turn”, “the”, “kitchen”, “light”, “on”], “raw_tokens”: [“turn”, “the”, “kitchen”, “light”, “on”], “speech_confidence”: 0.006131655546704668, “wakeId”: “”, “siteId”: “rhasspy”, “slots”: {“name”: “kitchen light”, “state”: “on”}}
[DEBUG:1054591] DialogueManager: recognizing -> handling
[DEBUG:1054591] DialogueManager: {‘intent’: {‘name’: ‘ChangeLightState’, ‘confidence’: 1.0}, ‘entities’: [{‘entity’: ‘name’, ‘value’: ‘kitchen light’, ‘raw_value’: ‘kitchen light’, ‘start’: 9, ‘raw_start’: 9, ‘end’: 22, ‘raw_end’: 22, ‘tokens’: [‘kitchen’, ‘light’], ‘raw_tokens’: [‘kitchen’, ‘light’]}, {‘entity’: ‘state’, ‘value’: ‘on’, ‘raw_value’: ‘on’, ‘start’: 23, ‘raw_start’: 23, ‘end’: 25, ‘raw_end’: 25, ‘tokens’: [‘on’], ‘raw_tokens’: [‘on’]}], ‘text’: ‘turn the kitchen light on’, ‘raw_text’: ‘turn the kitchen light on’, ‘recognize_seconds’: 0.0010978669743053615, ‘tokens’: [‘turn’, ‘the’, ‘kitchen’, ‘light’, ‘on’], ‘raw_tokens’: [‘turn’, ‘the’, ‘kitchen’, ‘light’, ‘on’], ‘speech_confidence’: 0.006131655546704668, ‘wakeId’: ‘’, ‘siteId’: ‘rhasspy’}
[DEBUG:1054589] DialogueManager: decoding -> recognizing
[DEBUG:1054588] DialogueManager: turn the kitchen light on (confidence=0.006131655546704668)
[DEBUG:1054586] PocketsphinxDecoder: turn the kitchen light on
[DEBUG:1054584] PocketsphinxDecoder: Transcription confidence: 0.006131655546704668
[DEBUG:1054581] PocketsphinxDecoder: Decoded WAV in 0.37392568588256836 second(s)
[DEBUG:1054201] PocketsphinxDecoder: rate=16000, width=2, channels=1.
[DEBUG:1054189] APlayAudioPlayer: [‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘/usr/share/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_lo.wav’]
[DEBUG:1054189] DialogueManager: awake -> decoding
[DEBUG:1054188] WebrtcvadCommandListener: listening -> loaded
[DEBUG:1054188] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Voice command finished
[DEBUG:1051286] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Voice command started
[DEBUG:1050816] PocketsphinxWakeListener: listening -> loaded
[DEBUG:1050802] APlayAudioPlayer: [‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘/usr/share/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_hi.wav’]
[DEBUG:1050801] WebrtcvadCommandListener: loaded -> listening
[DEBUG:1050801] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Will timeout in 30 second(s)
[DEBUG:1050801] DialogueManager: asleep -> awake
[DEBUG:1041507] APlayAudioPlayer: [‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘/usr/share/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_error.wav’]
[INFO:1041041] quart.serving: POST /api/listen-for-command 1.1 200 157 2075057
[DEBUG:1041035] PocketsphinxWakeListener: loaded -> listening
[DEBUG:1041035] InboxActor: -> stopped
[DEBUG:1041035] DialogueManager: ready -> asleep
[INFO:1041030] DialogueManager: Automatically listening for wake word
[DEBUG:1041030] DialogueManager: handling -> ready
[DEBUG:1041021] WebSocketObserver: {“text”: “”, “intent”: {“name”: “”, “confidence”: 0}, “entities”: [], “raw_text”: “”, “speech_confidence”: 0.06886479861124513, “wakeId”: “”, “siteId”: “rhasspy”, “slots”: {}}
[DEBUG:1041020] DialogueManager: recognizing -> handling
[DEBUG:1041020] DialogueManager: {‘text’: ‘’, ‘intent’: {‘name’: ‘’, ‘confidence’: 0}, ‘entities’: [], ‘raw_text’: ‘’, ‘speech_confidence’: 0.06886479861124513, ‘wakeId’: ‘’, ‘siteId’: ‘rhasspy’}
[ERROR:1041019] FsticuffsRecognizer: in_loaded
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/rhasspy/rhasspy/”, line 242, in in_loaded
assert recognitions, “No intent recognized”
AssertionError: No intent recognized
[DEBUG:1041018] DialogueManager: decoding -> recognizing
[DEBUG:1041017] DialogueManager: (confidence=0.06886479861124513)
[DEBUG:1041017] PocketsphinxDecoder:
[DEBUG:1041017] PocketsphinxDecoder: Transcription confidence: 0.06886479861124513
[DEBUG:1041016] PocketsphinxDecoder: Decoded WAV in 0.24414777755737305 second(s)
[DEBUG:1040771] APlayAudioPlayer: [‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘/usr/share/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_lo.wav’]
[DEBUG:1040771] PocketsphinxDecoder: rate=16000, width=2, channels=1.
[DEBUG:1040770] DialogueManager: awake -> decoding
[DEBUG:1040769] WebrtcvadCommandListener: listening -> loaded
[DEBUG:1040769] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Voice command finished
[DEBUG:1039446] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Voice command started
[DEBUG:1038986] PocketsphinxWakeListener: listening -> loaded
[DEBUG:1038967] APlayAudioPlayer: [‘aplay’, ‘-q’, ‘/usr/share/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_hi.wav’]
[DEBUG:1038967] WebrtcvadCommandListener: loaded -> listening
[DEBUG:1038967] WebrtcvadCommandListener: Will timeout in 30 second(s)
[DEBUG:1038967] DialogueManager: asleep -> awake
[INFO:1017650] quart.serving: GET /api/problems 1.1 200 309 7537
[DEBUG:1017648] InboxActor: -> stopped
[INFO:1017644] quart.serving: GET /api/custom-words 1.1 200 41 40305
[INFO:1017638] quart.serving: GET /api/speakers 1.1 200 1254 112474
[INFO:1017637] quart.serving: GET /api/unknown-words 1.1 200 2 9449
[INFO:1017635] quart.serving: GET /api/version 1.1 200 6 60584
[DEBUG:1017633] InboxActor: -> stopped
[INFO:1017616] quart.serving: GET /api/profile 1.1 200 453 91126
[INFO:1017616] quart.serving: GET /api/profile 1.1 200 6891 22426
[INFO:1017599] quart.serving: GET /api/profiles 1.1 200 144 21701
[INFO:1017594] quart.serving: GET /api/profile 1.1 200 8806 18114
[INFO:1017577] quart.serving: GET /api/microphones 1.1 200 280 51523
[DEBUG:1017566] InboxActor: -> stopped
[INFO:1017563] quart.serving: GET /api/phonemes 1.1 200 1526 38161
[INFO:1017562] quart.serving: GET /api/slots 1.1 200 2 34879
[DEBUG:1017531] main: Loading phoneme examples from /usr/share/rhasspy/profiles/en/phoneme_examples.txt
[INFO:1017519] quart.serving: GET /api/events/log 1.1 101 - 94041
[INFO:1017517] quart.serving: GET /api/sentences 1.1 200 616 2231
[INFO:1017516] quart.serving: GET /img/logo.png 1.1 200 1924 4579