Satellite IDs Break Audio

My main reason for not using HTTP is that there is no way to correctly end a session after that an intenthandler (Home Assistant in my case) is done with it.

But HTTP should be possible.

  • what is the setting for TextToSpeech and AudioPlaying on the base?
  • what is the setting for TextToSpeech and AudioPlaying on the satellite?

Because I think there is a configuration problem.

Thanks for the reply, I was just a little frustrated.

On the base:

TTS - NanoTTS (Recommended)
Audio Playing - Disabled (but I’ve also tried Remote HTTP)

On the satellite:

TTS - Remote HTTP (
Audio Playing - aplay (Recommended)

The audio playing on the base works for the wake word / confirmation.

I set TTS to be performed on the satellite, and everything works. The documentation suggested TTS should be done on the base, but I can’t figure out how to relay that TTS data back to the satellite.

As I only have one satellite at the moment it probably isn’t an issue, but I can see this possibly being a problem with multiple satellites, as Home Assistant would need some way to know which satellite sent the command. Is this possible with intents? I recall something about the ability to include extra info, but that may have only been with events.

Is it also possible to use the variables with intents?

For example:

printer_state = (on | off) {state}
turn <printer_state> the printer

Can <printer_state> be sent with the intent? Or is the intent purely [SwitchPrinter] with all the logic handled on Home Assistant?

Adding a querystring should work:

I have not yet found a way, but also did not investigate very much, this (seemingly) lack of feature is the reason I use events :slight_smile:
The other reason is that you do not have to add a new intent to your configuration.yaml and restart HA before you can use it.
You can simply create a new automation with the required event trigger and reload automations.

Yes, the slots are available, you can use in a template like {{ printer_state }}

Thanks for the info, that’s helpful to know.

So with events, it’s possible to determine which satellite the command came from and return the speech accordingly? I’ll need to try then, it’s one of those things though, I’ve built up a fair amount now with intents so to change to events will be a bit painful!

Regarding the slots, how do these work? I know there’s the slots section in Rhasspy, do I need to fill something in there? I assume though that in Home Assistant it would still need a separate entries for printer on and printer off, it’s just Rhasspy that would determine which intent to send? Sorry to ask so many questions.


This is my automation for lights, but I use MQTT:
Your slots will be available via<slotname>
Also, you have the sessionID as to close the session on Rhasspy

- id: '1581372525473'
  alias: EventLampen
  - event_data: {}
    event_type: rhasspy_Lights
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - data_template:
      entity_id: light.{{ }}
    service_template: light.turn_{{ }}
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: hermes/dialogueManager/endSession
      payload_template: '{"sessionId": "{{}}",
        "text": "Ok, {{ }} {{}}"}'
  mode: single

I think it should also be available via intents, maybe I have to investigate a bit more :slight_smile:

This is a good read for sentences and slots:

If you have a slot named action, you can use a service template to turn the printer on or off, see my example above. But my knowlegde is for now purely based on events and automations.
However, templates can be use in intent_scripts as well

Cool, thanks. I’ll have to start that setup then when I get the willpower. I have the MQTT broker in HA, does that link into the MQTT on Rhasspy at all? Like it all uses the same MQTT “network”.

I’ll have a read and hopefully I’ll figure it out! I would be interested to know more about intents too, like what is literally sent to HA. My logs in HA (for a failed intent) show:

homeassistant.helpers.intent.UnknownIntent: Unknown intent GetTime

That suggested to me that only GetTime is sent from Rhasspy, without anything else, like GetTime {variable}, or something. I definitely use templates in HA for TTS back to Rhasspy, so I know that works, it’s just how to send the variable to be templated you know.

        - data_template:
            payload: 'The date is {{ now().day }} {{ (now().strftime("%b")) }} {{ now().year }}'
          service: rest_command.rhasspy_speak

In my head I would imagine it to be something like this in HA (?), where {{printer_state}} is extra command data from Rhasspy:

            - service: switch.turn_{{printer_state}}
              entity_id: switch.printer

No idea though! It does look like yours, but I don’t know if it works with intents. The docs certainly don’t suggest it works, the extra data is only mentioned in the events section.

Yes, set MQTT in Rhasspy to external with the ip adress of your HA instance.

When you change it to service_template it will work

You have TellDate in your code, not GetTIme. Or do you also have GetTime as intentscript?

OK great.

So it should be:

            - service_template: switch.turn_{{printer_state}}
              entity_id: switch.printer

And that should pick up from Rhasspy if I say on or off?

Also the TellDate / GetTime was just an example to give so I could force a log to be generated.

Yes, that should work :slight_smile:

So I tried it, and it gave me this error:

Template variable warning: 'printer_state' is undefined when rendering 'turning {{printer_state}} the printer'
Template variable warning: 'printer_state' is undefined when rendering 'switch.turn_{{printer_state}}'

I assume from that then that intents can’t handle variables, only events.

I have checked you sentences, but you should use state, not printer_state.
{state} is the name of your slot. I am trying to find the correct syntax for intents :slight_smile:

Ahh, I see now yeah.

I tried it, it went through without error this time! The printer didn’t turn on but that’s probably another issue for HA :grinning:

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I actually found it :slight_smile:

I have made a test:

      - service: mqtt.publish
          payload_template: '{{ _intent }}'
          topic: homeassistant/test

When I do a Rhasspy look for this intent I get this message on homeassistant/test

So, I think {{ _intent.siteId }} will give you the siteId :slight_smile:

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Ah awesome, good job! And this will be with MQTT.

Also, I fixed the printer turning on/off issue, it works! Thank you for your help, that will improve things for me a lot, I think I will still look at using MQTT and events though.

This is with intents and not with events. You can use it in your intentscript template :slight_smile:
I have used a mqtt publish just to see what the data looks like when an intent is handled.

This could be your SwitchPrinter intent

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