On Google AIY v1 kit - as satellite

I’d seen this come up from ocdtrekkie on the GitHub - and it kinda went nowhere.
I’m using the v1 AIY kit which is for a Pi3B and that’s what I’m running on.
From the SNIPs (R.I.P.) forums I found the
From someone called 'Samovi"
Install AIY VoiceKit v1 hardware support:
sudo apt install git ( methinks is now already installed in Raspbian)
cd /tmp

    git clone https://github.com/google/aiyprojects-raspbian.git
    cd aiyprojects-raspbian
    git checkout voicekit
    sudo scripts/configure-driver.sh
    sudo scripts/install-alsa-config.sh

But after that (adding and using sam) - seemed SNIPS-specific so from another post:
sudo reboot

aplay -l (thats a lower-case “L” for list)

You should get something like:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpigooglevoi [snd_rpi_googlevoicehat_soundcar], device 0: Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0 []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

arecord -l (again lower-case “L” for “list”)

You should get something like:
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpigooglevoi [snd_rpi_googlevoicehat_soundcar], device 0: Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0 []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

finally you can record a file:
arecord -f cd out.wav (ctrl+z to stop recording)

and playback that file:
aplay out.wav

Now that you have that up and running, you can use alsamixer to control the volume of the playback and recording gain by simply running alsamixer at the command line.

I had Rhasspy running in a container as a client/satellite on this setup and things seemed to be working well.
Hope this helps other people - and gets more AIY v1 out of the dust and off your shelves if you have one already. Once I get it working I’ll be installing the kit guts into a more suitable/decorative fixture that will put Alexa and Google assistants to shame. :grinning:
Now off to more readingthedocs…

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Awesome, thanks for the write up! Would you mind if I put this in the Rhasspy docs?

Please do! And thank you for all your work! And everybody else. Just got my AIY to respond to custom wakeword w/snowboy, too.

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This setup worked like a charm for me.

I couldn’t find the Google AIY documentation in the projects documentation yet. So I created a PR to have it added to the docs: https://github.com/rhasspy/rhasspy/pull/191

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