How to specify voice-responses in sentence.ini

@FredTheFrog Why not using the Snips integration directly?

It is much easier to get all these info.

I’ve never used Snips before! :slight_smile: The good news is, I’ve figured out that because the light is always Slots[0] I can use that notation:
{{[0].rawValue }}

@FredTheFrog maybe this will work:
{{[0].rawValue }}
This will only work if light is the first slot returned.
slots is an array containing objects.

seems like you already figured it out.

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Take a look at

It is completely compatible with Rhasspy since Rhasspy 2.5 respect the Hermes protocol.

It greatly simplify the intent handling with Home Assistant.

Hope this helps.

@synesthesiam Maybe a Rhasspy Home Assistant integration based on the Snips one can be proposed to the HA guys…

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@moqart and @fastjack Thank you both for your very timely and helpful replies. I’ve just placed my first 2.5.0/voltron rhasspy unit into ‘Production’ mode. I had to learn the newer configuration syntax for sentences and slots first. I’m still using HA events to respond using HA automations. Maybe I’ll learn to use Snips/hermes next. :wink:


Proposing that to the HA developers is an EXCELLENT idea. My concern is they might soon deprecate the Snips interface, since Snips went closed-source.

Or just use Node-Red and get rid of that awful YAML scripting :wink:

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you might find this simpler.
At the top of your event data, i can see you are using ‘light’ and ‘state’ as your tag/ property in Rhasspy. These can be accessed in a more straightforward fashion:-

{% set var2 = %}
{% set var3 = %}

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We actually sort of got this already with the “intent” HTTP endpoint :slight_smile:

If you just add intent: to your HA configuration YAML and switch Rhasspy from “event” to “intent” mode for HA, Rhasspy will trigger intents directly in HA. This works with the built-in intents as well as intent_script ones.

Thank you, @Gfawkes. While simpler :slight_smile: it doesn’t provide the correct text for voice confirmation. :frowning:
state is simply “on” or “off” which does translate directly/correctly.
light is actually “switch.brass_lamp” which I don’t want spoken. I just want “brass lamp” which is in[0].rawValue

    "event_type": "rhasspy_ChangeLightState",
    "data": {
        "light": "switch.brass_lamp",
        "state": "on",
        "_text": "switch.brass_lamp on",
        "_raw_text": "brass lamp on",
        "_intent": {
            "input": "switch.brass_lamp on",
            "intent": {
                "intentName": "ChangeLightState",
                "confidenceScore": 1
            "siteId": "Listener1",
            "id": null,
            "slots": [
                    "entity": "light",
                    "value": {
                        "kind": "Unknown",
                        "value": "switch.brass_lamp"
                    "slotName": "light",
                    "rawValue": "brass lamp",
                    "confidence": 1,
                    "range": {
                        "start": 0,
                        "end": 17,
                        "rawStart": 0,
                        "rawEnd": 10

I guess what I’m really asking is, how to update this sentence definition to send the value of <light> in the HA event? Bonus points if it defines three distinct values: lightSwitch, lightName, lightState.

<light>{light} <state>{state}
(turn | switch | cut) [the] <light>{light} <state>{state}

Just enable the snips integration and configure you HA instance and Rhasspy to both subscribe to the same MQTT broker (either Rhasspy builtin broker or HA MQTT integration). Then use the intent_scripts configuration to handle everything.

Much simpler…

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Thank you for that, @fastjack. Unfortunately, I am one of those folks that do not use MQTT for anything, at all. And I don’t want to setup anything new using MQTT. I can currently get the rawValue from the HA event, but was wanting to configure my Rhasspy SLOTs and SENTENCEs to directly provide this value.

Oh I see :slightly_smiling_face: Maybe using something like slot programs with the HA API… I think I recall others on this community to have done it.

I have just got Rhasspy working with 2 satellites with Home Assistant (HASS) all through MQTT that’s sitting on HA server.

I am NEW at all this and not a programmer so go easy on me please. I am really nervous about posting this!


light_name = ((bedroom light:light.0x0017880103b97549_light | living room light:light.0x0017880103b97557_light | garage light | matts office:light.matts_office_colour | alert light:light.anita_alert_bulb_light) {name}) | <ChangeLightColor.light_name>
light_state = (on | off) {state}

In the above “bedroom light” is the word you say and “light.0x0017880103b97549_light” is entity name in HA (yes I know I could rename everything in HA but that would be a real pain at this stage)

In HA I have this automation:

alias: Test - Rhasspy on MQTT
description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: hermes/intent/+
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.payload_json.intent.intentName ==  ''ChangeLightState'' }}'
  - service: mqtt.publish
    topic: hermes/tts/say
    payload_template: >
         {"text": "you switched the light on, it was {{ trigger.payload_json.asrTokens[0].3.value }}" ", "siteId": "{{ trigger.payload_json.siteId }}", "lang": null, "id": "79f31e80-c4ad-4952-a8b7-4b22f2d6a666", "sessionId": "", "volume": 1.0}
  - service_template: 'light.turn_{{ trigger.payload_json.asrTokens[0].1.value }}'
    data: {}
      entity_id: '{{ trigger.payload_json.asrTokens[0].3.value }}'
mode: single

trigger: so this is the bit where it listens on MQTT (you need to point your Rhasspy server at the shared MQTT server, in case the HA built in one the topic is the standard hermes one.
condition: template = This looks for the Rhasspy sentence you just said in this case “ChangeLightState”
action: so the first service: mqtt.publish which sends text back to the satellite to tell you what you just did, this is for testing really or you can use an mqtt listener, not really sure what the id string is, but that was a random one and it seems to work fine with it staying the same :man_shrugging: same for rest of them, not tested removing them totally, I should. Anyway the siteId is the important one, that tells Rhasspy which speaker to send the speech back to.
action: so call the service based and use the rhasspy off or on on the end (I was proud of that)
then grab the name after the : in the json string from rhasspy which would be light.0x0017880103b97549_light if i said bedroom light

Thats it, as I said I have no idea if this is the right or the wrong way to go about it, but being a newbie this seemed easier than learning intents and having to restart HA all the time, with this I can do pretty much anything. I know intents maybe easier with lights, but this way I can use anything, not just switches and lights and a really odd shopping list thing in HA. Thats my next thing to try :slight_smile:

What I would really like to do is send a .wav to the satellite can anyone help me do that ELI5 me please :slight_smile:

If you want to respond to and close a Rhasspy dialogue the correct topic is hermes/dialogueManager/endSession.
Both with a sessionID and a text, see this documentation:

The sessionId can probably found in the payload_json, but I use events instead of intents.
My automations are triggered by the Rhasspy events (I have set to send events instead of intents in Rhasspy)

Check for my example here:

Hi Romkabouter,

I get your point, but I am not doing a dialogue I just want to send a one-off message to a satellite, so is using hermes/tts/say wrong?

I avoided events because they don’t seem as flexible as using MQTT, everything in my house also uses MQTT so going fully MQTT with Rhasspy seemed like a good choice. I can send MQTT direct from Rhasspy to other things that are not HA compatible for example.

Now I am a bit worried this is the wrong way to go about things? I don’t want to go down a path that will get blocked later?

Thanks for the repsonse


Well, if you are using Rhasspy to trigger actions, it is best practise to end the session created by Rhasspy. You actually áre doing a dialogue when you ask Rhasspy to turn a light on or off.
Subscribe to hermes/dialogueManager/# and you will see what happens.

tts/say is not exactly wrong, but the dialogueManager produces a timeout on the session after 30sec or so. If you use endSession with the correct sessionID, the session you started is closed in the proper way. The sessionID is available on trigger.payload_json.sesionID, so you can achieve closing a session via MQTT as well. You already publish the siteID, just add the sessionID, use the endSession topic and your done :slight_smile:
Also remove the “id”: “79f31e80-c4ad-4952-a8b7-4b22f2d6a666” part. The id is actually the same as the sessionID
The spoken text will always be “you turned the light on”, even if you turned it off. Is there a reason you use asrTokens and not the slots?

Events are as flexible as MQTT, because when used in an automation, you can add a range of service being called, also MQTT.
MQTT is also a fine solution, whatever makes your clock tick :slight_smile:
I am just pointing out that ending a session is good practise, you can also achieve that via MQTT

No worries, there is no wrong or right way. MQTT is very flexible and if you are comfortable with that, its fine.

Hi Romkabouter,

No reason apart from I can’t get slots to work, asr split the sentence into words which I can pick off and match, but every time the MQTT payload does not fill the slots up with anything. I have had quite a search but can’t find anything simple enough for me to understand :frowning:

Here is the MQTT intent payload of hermes/intent/#

{“input”: “shopping list add parma ham”, “intent”: {“intentName”: “ShoppingListAdd”, “confidenceScore”: 1.0}, “siteId”: “sat2”, “id”: null, “slots”: [], “sessionId”: “sat2-seventy six-31f22c68-9050-4bb1-8020-7334d62c181b”, “customData”: “seventy six”, “asrTokens”: [[{“value”: “shopping”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 0, “rangeEnd”: 8, “time”: null}, {“value”: “list”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 9, “rangeEnd”: 13, “time”: null}, {“value”: “add”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 14, “rangeEnd”: 17, “time”: null}, {“value”: “parma”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 18, “rangeEnd”: 23, “time”: null}, {“value”: “ham”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 24, “rangeEnd”: 27, “time”: null}]], “asrConfidence”: 1.0, “rawInput”: “shopping list add parma ham”, “wakewordId”: “seventy six”, “lang”: null}

and the slot[] is empty. Any pointers greatefully received, or do you mean something else entirely?

I see what you mean about the dialogue and I am working on the in MQTT, I might as well try and look as though I can code :slight_smile:

Thanks for not shooting my MQTT stuff down, for some reason I find it easier to understand :man_shrugging:


Hi Guys,

I two questions about this.

  1. when using events its possible to use the dev tools in HA - Events and listen for rhasspy_xyz. How can I do that for intents?
  2. How can I get the sensor states from my sensors? I found the following example many times, but I dont get it yet fully. “text: the temperature is {{ states.sensor.temperature }} degrees”

Actually I have just more than one sensor. So my consideration was that I try it like with the colors. I mean with a slot just for the rooms. Like this:

Flur unten

room = $hass/room
Wie hoch ist die Temperatur im [room] ($hass/room){room}

text: Die Temperatur {{ room }} ist {{ states(“sensor.” + “lumi_weather_temperature_” + room.replace() + “.state”) }} Grad

Unfortunalely I does exactly not what I want. To be honest it’s a little tricky to me, as I am yet not that familiar with yaml and even not with all the settings which can be done in HA
So I would like to set somehow a variable in the configuration.yaml and the variable will be filed by the voice command via rhasspy.
The Sensors entity_id’s are like this:



Now when I use the speech line like the following its working.:

text: Es ist momentan {{ states.sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature_wohnzimmer.state }} Grad Celsius im Wohnzimmer

But surely I dont want to set this for all of the sensors, instead have rhasspy filling the variable/placeholder

Any help is much appreciated! :slight_smile:



Another reason to use events, the slots are<slotname>

You can’t