Case for Matrix Voice and Pi3A+

Rhasspy Dot Case for Pi3A+ Matrix Voice and Speakers
Slim modular offline voice assistant case
For Configuration see

I have printed a white and a black version - see pictures.

More Pictures in Thingiverse…


print all parts
glue the fabric to the cover - i used superglue
cut the fabric rests from the cover
mount the matrix voice hat with 2 small screws
connect speakers trough speaker case, pi spacer and pi ring
stack pi ring, pi, and pi spacer to the cover mit matrix voice hat
mount speakercase with 4 screws to pi ring
glue speakers to speakerplate - superglue
mount stand and speakerplate to speaker case with 6 screws
put the completed inlet in outher case - press and keep hole for power connector in mind

Some more photos:

Uploading: IMG_9803.jpg…
Uploading: IMG_9804.jpg…

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nice! Thanks, I still do not have a 3d printer…


if you wish - i can print you the parts.
Grinding an polishing will be your job :wink:

One question actually, can you also make a case without the Pi? Just the matrix voice? I am looking for a nice enclosure. I think I can manage an old friend printing it for me, but have not seen him in a while


do you need speakers? If so - what type of speakers? At best with measurings.



I like the way you have them, I do not know what type that is.
Currently I have the speaker from an pi zero audiohat attached, but that is 1 speaker and I want two. Maybe a bit like your Pi3 version, but with a lower form factor


this is work in progress - i have to testprint it.


Or somthing similar with 28mm and hight under 6mm

This will be 23mm in height. If you consider to unsolder the
connector from matrix voice, i can make it even smaler.

Greetings Andreas

Nice work. Can you tell us where and which cables you bought for the speakers that fit the Matrix Voice? I have not yet been able to find out what exactly fits.

That is great! Thanks for your work!

Nah, I am not that good with soldering irons :slight_smile:


i earned the connectors from old laptops, also the speakers but this are normal standard connectors.
Here are the specs of the connector:

and this is the female part:

These connectors will work and are commonly available



Hi testprint is printing 10h remaining…will send pictures tomorrow



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new files are on thingiverse.

keep in mind - its a proof of concept print with low res - not grinded, painted nor polished.
The absolute height is about 24 mm. Speakers should be not heigher as 6 mm.


Looks pretty cool! The speakers are supposed to be glued in those holes right?

Yes youre right!

There are supports inside.
This is a photo of the first test print.



Finally ordered 1 with a printservice :slight_smile:

Where did you get that piece of cloth from for the top?


Its a part of a child car seat….


haha! That is briljant :smiley:

hi @Sturi2011 - i’m also using a matrix voice on pi4.
Unlike you i’m using a usb-soundcard, connected to the pi’s usb-hub. The soundcard is connected directly to pc speakers and my setup therefore is very silent :frowning:
In the past i’ve also tryed to use the 3,5mm jack of the matrix voice or the pi itself, but the sound quality was pretty bad.

Therefore wanted to ask you a few questions:

  1. Is the audio quality on the 2 connections that you use on matrix good and loud/ well audible?
  2. Isn’t dangerous for the matrix voice board itself have magnetic speaker close to it?
  3. Would female breadboard-jumpers also work to connect the speakers to the matrix-board?
  4. What’s the audio devices name in rhasspy?

Thank you in advance :smiley: