Year of the Voice - Rhasspy v3 update

I see what you’ve done there :wink: Both these are Rhasspy modules, rather than being specific to HA.
We haven’t seen you over here much lately @synesthesiam, so it is good to see that Rhasspy is still alive. Once HA Voice Assist support quiets down a little :crossed_fingers: it would be good to get an update on what you see as status for Rhasspy v3.

So pleased to hear that Mike. I hope its an open-ended employment - there seems to plenty of requests / suggestions for your attention :wink: - and terrific that Rhasspy benefits from the work you are being paid for by Nabu Casa. No more late nights working on multiple projects ? Your family must appreciate that.


Yes :smile: This will let me start building more complex stuff on the Rhasspy side without having to sacrifice integration with HA.

I’m expecting to be able to get into a rhythm next year where more complex ideas are implemented first in Rhasspy v3, and then distilled versions are put into HA as appropriate. For example, I have ideas for a very versatile fallback system (e.g., remote TTS falling back to local TTS) with sequential/parallel styles of falling back and individual service timeouts. In contrast, HA will likely just have a single fallback for the conversation agent.

They definitely do appreciate it. There have been a few late nights preparing for the live streams, but nothing like my last employer. I’m very happy to be part of Nabu Casa :slightly_smiling_face:


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