Wakeword + stt new problem

probably a dumb question, but how do you roll back?
I was trying…

docker pull --platform linux/arm/v6 rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6

but that’s not working.
I also noticed some newer updates in GitHub. But “latest” says it’s up to date.


On my side, I did this:

  • docker pull rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 (this is on my laptop, so I didn’t need to specify the platform. Adapt according you needs)

  • It made the rhasspy 2.5.6 image available locally (alongside with the 2.5.7 image)

    docker images

    rhasspy/rhasspy 2.5.7 5d4c93ceb23d 2 days ago 1.64GB
    rhasspy/rhasspy 2.5.6 b320c65b825a 2 weeks ago 1.5GB
    rhasspy/rhasspy latest b320c65b825a 2 weeks ago 1.5GB

  • Then I killed and removed the Rhasspy container using the 2.5.7 image

  1. Identify the container name (for me its “rhasspy”, we can see it uses the “rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.7” image)

    docker ps | grep rhasspy

     f8d03395b35f        rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.7      "bash /usr/lib/rhass…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>12101/tcp                         rhasspy
  2. Kill the container
    docker kill rhasspy

  3. Remove the container (in my case, I store rhasspy config files on my local disk with a mountpoint. Please adapt to your setup to prevent data loss :wink: )

    docker rm rhasspy

  4. Finally, recreate your container and tell him to use the rhasspy 2.5.6 image

    docker run (adapt your custom options here) rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6

NB: here we can see we will create a container that will use the rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 image

  1. Verify your container is using the expected image version

    docker ps | grep rhasspy
    1e8fd931bb17 rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 "bash /usr/lib/rhass…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>12101/tcp

NB: We can see that the container “rhasspy” is using the image rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 as expected

Hope it will help you

Good luck and have fun

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Thank you! That was very helpful and I’ve successfully rolled back.

Any news about the fix to this problem?

I would be happy to get some news :slightly_smiling_face:

The fix is under way. Hang in there

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Dialogue manager fix has been pushed to Docker. Debian packages are coming soon!

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Thank you!
I can indeed confirm this fixed the Satellite wakeword issue. However, the Pi Zero’s are still taking a much longer time to “Save” and then “Reboot” when making a change (compared to 2.5.6).

Should the “Server” handle the Home Assistant Intents for the Satellites? I tried, but they don’t seem to be triggering unless I setup intent handling on each satellite.

And it also looks like Home Assistant still isn’t receiving the Site ID… or am I possibly doing something wrong in not adding site_id as a slot?

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I took me a moment, but I realized what I did that made this happen. It’s fixed in master, so I’ll push it into the next update. Of all things, it’s because of JSON parsing.

For some reason, I didn’t add “Satellite Site Ids” to the intent handling in the settings page! This is what’s missing. I’ll add it, but for now you can just add this directly to your profile:

  "handle": {
    "satellite_site_ids": "satellite1,satellite2"

Was it supposed to? It should be available inside _intent as a siteId property (or site_id – I forget which now).

I’m trying to use some old intent scrips I was using with Snips… and it occurred to me they might have had a setting in the console to “include Site ID” or something like that. So supposed to… I’m not sure.

My intent script pulls “room” from the intent or defaults to the site id, which is the room the satellite is in.

> onOffIntent:
>   speech:
>     type: plain
>     text: >
>         {% if room == null %}
>           yes sir
>         {% else %}
>           Turning {{action}} {{room}} {{device}}   
>         {% endif %}
>   action:
>   - service_template: >
>         {% if action == "on" %}
>             {% if device == "lights" %}
>               homeassistant.turn_on
>             {% elif device == "tv" %}
>               media_player.turn_on
>             {% else %}
>               switch.turn_on
>             {% endif %}
>         {% elif action == "off" %}
>             {% if device == "lights" %}
>               homeassistant.turn_off
>             {% elif device == "tv" %}
>               media_player.turn_off
>             {% else %}
>               switch.turn_off
>             {% endif %}
>         {% endif %}
>     data_template:
>       entity_id: >
>         {% if room == null %}
>           {% set room = site_id %}
>         {% else %}  
>           {% set room = room | replace(" ","_") %}
>         {% endif %}
>         {% if device == "lights" %}
>             group.{{room}}_lights
>         {% elif device == "tv" %}
>             media_player.{{room}}_tv
>         {% else %}
>             switch.{{room}}_{{device}}
>         {% endif %}

The action, room and device all seem to be received properly, but the site_id is null. When I looked at the logs, the thing I noticed was action, room and device were all slots. site_id is in the MQTT, but not defined as a slot.

[DEBUG:2020-10-22 10:11:14,727] rhasspyserver_hermes: <- NluIntent(input=‘turn on the office lights’, intent=Intent(intent_name=‘onOffIntent’, confidence_score=1.0), site_id=‘the_office’, id=None, slots=[Slot(entity=‘action’, value={‘kind’: ‘Unknown’, ‘value’: ‘on’}, slot_name=‘action’, raw_value=‘on’, confidence=1.0, range=SlotRange(start=5, end=7, raw_start=5, raw_end=7)), Slot(entity=‘room’, value={‘kind’: ‘Unknown’, ‘value’: ‘the office’}, slot_name=‘room’, raw_value=‘the office’, confidence=1.0, range=SlotRange(start=8, end=18, raw_start=8, raw_end=18)), Slot(entity=‘device’, value={‘kind’: ‘Unknown’, ‘value’: ‘lights’}, slot_name=‘device’, raw_value=‘lights’, confidence=1.0, range=SlotRange(start=19, end=25, raw_start=19, raw_end=25))], session_id=‘the_office-porcupine-4d311965-dd9c-4a61-8f30-325bf00e2354’, custom_data=None, asr_tokens=[[AsrToken(value=‘turn’, confidence=1.0, range_start=0, range_end=4, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘on’, confidence=1.0, range_start=5, range_end=7, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘the’, confidence=1.0, range_start=8, range_end=11, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘office’, confidence=1.0, range_start=12, range_end=18, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘lights’, confidence=1.0, range_start=19, range_end=25, time=None)]], asr_confidence=None, raw_input=‘turn on the office lights’, wakeword_id=‘porcupine’, lang=None)

So possibly I need to change something in my Home Assistant intent script to pull it properly

Here’s where the slots are being created for Home Assistant intents: https://github.com/rhasspy/rhasspy-homeassistant-hermes/blob/d78c9286171b593ced42608aa70a3c703d0516ec/rhasspyhomeassistant_hermes/init.py#L146

You can see it copies the slots from the intent itself, then adds a few “meta” slots (_text, _raw_text, and _intent). The site id is inside _intent, which is an object/dictionary. I would guess in your YAML, you could reference _intent.siteId and get the value, but I could be wrong.

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Hi all,

Thank you for the grat support on this problem.

I have a very strange behaviour I would like to share in case it could help troobleshooting the issue we are talking about here.

I pulled the latest docker image 2.5.7 today at ~12:30 (FR time); and even if I guess I didn’t get the latest fix that was released later, I would like to share the problem I noticed:

  • I pulled the 2.5.7 image on:
    – satellite1 --> standard computer (debian amd64)
    – satellite2 --> respeaker core v2
    – master --> laptop (debian amd64)

  • I replicated Rhasspy configuration from satellite1 to satellite2, so that they are identical (except required customizations like main siteID declaration, etc…)

After this, satellite1 and master were running without any problem (as they were before)
satellite2 was not working (Rhasspy hangs after successfull wakeword detection, like described in the current topic)

The strange thing: I have noticed that if I just disable “Audio output” on the satellite2, it works.
In this case, I have no audio (obviously) so I have no “beep” when wakeword detection triggers.
I have no logs at all on Rhasspy webui.
But the intent is handled and the intent handling is executed correctly (remote http to jeedom in my case)

I have tested with all possible options for “Audio output”, the only ones that are working are:

  • Disabled
  • Hermes MQTT
    Both are preventing any sound output on the respeaker wich sounds logic, I guess.

By changing only this setting, Rhasspy seems to behave in different ways.

I don’t know if this feedback could be usefull. But I really don’t understand what kind of logic could exists between Wakeword hanging and Audio output configuration ?

PS: I also have to precise that intent handling is working as expected on my setup between all my satellites and the master.
Only the master has Intent handling activated and configured to target the Jeedom API
(seems to work since I have added the master itself into satellites siteIDs on the intent handling tab, on the master configuration UI)

Hope it will help
Best regards

I also updated my docker image after your fix and i ran into the same behaviour than before the fix.
After the first recognized intent after a restart i can wake rhasspy but it doesnt do anything more. i can just rewake it with the wakeword again, but no intents are getting pushed to mqtt or the web interface.

Did a rollback to 2.5.6.

_intent.siteId worked! Thank you!

and in case anyone else needs to parse the wake word, _intent.wakewordId worked for me.

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Ran in to the same/similar issue. Just wanted to “play around” with Rhasspy an installed it locally on my notebook running Debian Buster (clone, from git (HEAD), configure, make, make install).
Once started, the wakeword is detected an it also detects the sentence the first time. The second time it only detects the wakeword, but not the sentence. The sentence is detected fine, when doing a manual wake up. After restarting Rhasspy wakeword+sentence work again on time, then only the wakeword is detected.

When switching to the v2.5.6 tag it works just fine. With a little git bisect work, I could pinpoint the issue to this commit in the dialog sub module:

Hi @e-tobi, you’re correct that that commit where things started to go downhill. With the recent update to 2.5.7, though, things should be working correctly now. Are you still seeing problems?

I’m working on the git version, when I clone with git clone --recursive https://github.com/rhasspy/rhasspy then the rhasspy-dialogue-hermes submodule does not point to origin/master but to dde6bdde.
If I manually update the submodule, everything works fine.
A git submodule update --remote --merge may fix this , but I’m not an expert when it comes to submodules in Git - I usually try to avoid using git submodules :slight_smile:

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Good catch, thank you :+1: I’ve updated the submodule and pushed the changes.

I do too, but I couldn’t think of a better way to handle the split of Rhasspy 2.5 into independent services and still keep track of them all. It occasionally bites me, but I think I’ve managed to tame the submodules by not doing anything fancy with them.

Thanks! Works fine now “out-of-the-git” :slight_smile:

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Hi all,

Everything is working on my side, thanks for the great work !

I have only 1 left problem: since I pulled the latest image (2 days old docker image), the wakeword sounds are not working anymore.

I’m talking about these sounds:

  • ${RHASSPY_BASE_DIR}/etc/wav/beep_hi.wav
  • ${RHASSPY_BASE_DIR}/etc/wav/beep_error.wav

Here is my wake word config:

"wake": {
    "raven": {
        "udp_audio": "12202"
    "system": "raven"

Please note that TTS is working fine.

Can it be related to an incorrect config on my side ?

Thank you for your help

Best regards