Wakeword + stt new problem


[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,248] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: -> HotwordDetected(model_id='/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-wake-porcupine-hermes/rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/raspberrypi/porcupine.ppn', model_version='', model_type='personal', current_sensitivity=0.45, site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', session_id=None, send_audio_captured=None, lang=None)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,249] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: Publishing 309 bytes(s) to hermes/hotword/porcupine/detected
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,286] rhasspyserver_hermes: <- HotwordDetected(model_id='/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-wake-porcupine-hermes/rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/raspberrypi/porcupine.ppn', model_version='', model_type='personal', current_sensitivity=0.45, site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', session_id=None, send_audio_captured=None, lang=None)
[WARNING:2020-10-16 19:05:19,287] rhasspyserver_hermes: Dialogue management is disabled. ASR will NOT be automatically enabled.
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,331] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: <- HotwordToggleOff(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<HotwordToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,332] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: Disabled
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,386] rhasspyspeakers_cli_hermes: <- AudioPlayBytes(83948 byte(s))
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,387] rhasspyspeakers_cli_hermes: ['aplay', '-q', '-t', 'wav']
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,933] rhasspyspeakers_cli_hermes: -> AudioPlayFinished(id='1f0db880-8c64-4ee8-918f-92e207496f61', session_id='')
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,935] rhasspyspeakers_cli_hermes: Publishing 63 bytes(s) to hermes/audioServer/IF-MB-CLIENT/playFinished
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:20,011] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: <- HotwordToggleOn(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<HotwordToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:20,012] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: Enabled
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:20,067] rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes: Receiving audio
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,829] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system pocketsphinx hermes = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,829] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system kaldi hermes = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,829] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system deepspeech hermes = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,830] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.pocketsphinx.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,831] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.kaldi.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,831] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.deepspeech.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,832] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.pocketsphinx.mix_weight >0 0 = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,833] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.kaldi.mix_weight >0 0 = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,833] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.deepspeech.mix_weight >0 0 = False


[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,281] rhasspydialogue_hermes: <- HotwordDetected(model_id='/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-wake-porcupine-hermes/rhasspywake_porcupine_hermes/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/raspberrypi/porcupine.ppn', model_version='', model_type='personal', current_sensitivity=0.45, site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', session_id=None, send_audio_captured=None, lang=None)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,284] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Playing WAV /usr/lib/rhasspy/etc/wav/beep_hi.wav
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,287] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> HotwordToggleOff(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<HotwordToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,288] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Publishing 49 bytes(s) to hermes/hotword/toggleOff
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,291] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> AsrToggleOff(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<AsrToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,291] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Publishing 49 bytes(s) to hermes/asr/toggleOff
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,293] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> AudioPlayBytes(83948 byte(s)) to hermes/audioServer/IF-MB-CLIENT/playBytes/1f0db880-8c64-4ee8-918f-92e207496f61
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,295] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Waiting for playFinished (timeout=1.2012925170068027)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,354] rhasspyasr_kaldi_hermes: <- AsrToggleOff(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<AsrToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,355] rhasspyasr_kaldi_hermes: Disabled (AsrToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,968] rhasspydialogue_hermes: <- AudioPlayFinished(id='1f0db880-8c64-4ee8-918f-92e207496f61', session_id='')
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,968] rhasspytts_cli_hermes: <- AudioPlayFinished(id='1f0db880-8c64-4ee8-918f-92e207496f61', session_id='')
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,972] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> HotwordToggleOn(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<HotwordToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,972] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Publishing 49 bytes(s) to hermes/hotword/toggleOn
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,975] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> AsrToggleOn(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<AsrToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:19,976] rhasspydialogue_hermes: Publishing 49 bytes(s) to hermes/asr/toggleOn
[WARNING:2020-10-16 19:05:19,978] rhasspydialogue_hermes: No session for id IF-MB-CLIENT-porcupine-d97f59c7-de31-4789-bc75-e1e55b0e1362
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:20,055] rhasspyasr_kaldi_hermes: <- AsrToggleOn(site_id='IF-MB-CLIENT', reason=<AsrToggleReason.PLAY_AUDIO: 'playAudio'>)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:05:20,056] rhasspyasr_kaldi_hermes: Enabled
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,849] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system pocketsphinx kaldi = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,850] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system kaldi kaldi = True
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,851] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/base_dictionary.txt (/profiles/en/kaldi/base_dictionary.txt)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,852] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/g2p.fst (/profiles/en/kaldi/g2p.fst)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,853] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/g2p.corpus (/profiles/en/kaldi/g2p.corpus)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,854] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/conf/mfcc.conf (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/conf/mfcc.conf)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,854] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/conf/mfcc_hires.conf (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/conf/mfcc_hires.conf)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,855] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/conf/online_cmvn.conf (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/conf/online_cmvn.conf)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,856] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/final.dubm (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/final.dubm)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,857] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/final.ie (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/final.ie)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,858] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/final.mat (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/final.mat)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,859] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/global_cmvn.stats (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/global_cmvn.stats)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,860] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/online_cmvn.conf (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/online_cmvn.conf)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,861] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/extractor/splice_opts (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/extractor/splice_opts)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,862] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/model/cmvn_opts (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/model/cmvn_opts)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,862] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/model/den.fst (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/model/den.fst)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,863] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/model/final.mdl (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/model/final.mdl)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,864] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/model/normalization.fst (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/model/normalization.fst)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,865] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/model/tree (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/model/tree)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,866] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/phones/extra_questions.txt (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/phones/extra_questions.txt)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,867] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/phones/nonsilence_phones.txt (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/phones/nonsilence_phones.txt)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,868] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/phones/optional_silence.txt (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/phones/optional_silence.txt)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,868] rhasspyprofile.download: Skipping kaldi/model/phones/silence_phones.txt (/profiles/en/kaldi/model/phones/silence_phones.txt)
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,869] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.system deepspeech kaldi = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,870] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.pocketsphinx.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,871] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.kaldi.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,872] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.deepspeech.open_transcription True False = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,872] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.pocketsphinx.mix_weight >0 0 = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,873] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.kaldi.mix_weight >0 0 = False
[DEBUG:2020-10-16 19:11:11,874] rhasspyprofile.download: speech_to_text.deepspeech.mix_weight >0 0 = False

This is clearly an anomaly but I don’t think it is caused by a bug in Rhasspy. The dialogue manager should create a new session but it seems to log this warning instead and stop. I cannot get my head around how this can happen by looking at the dialogue manager code…

With docker ps -a on both server and satellite can you…

  • check that you do not have multiple Rhasspy container running on the server and on the satellite
  • check that both server and satellite are running the latest image (2.5.7)

I’m having the same issue and verified mine are all with one image and on the latest.
I also have 2 satellites that have this behavior.

I don’t know if this helps, but they seem to be running really slow, it takes a much longer amount of time to save the config and restart after editing.

In testing through the webpage(s)…
I’ve noticed I’m still not able to pickup the Site ID in Homeassistant (when running the intent handling on the satellite).
My other Satellite still doesn’t seem to pass intents through the server to Homeassistant.

Only 1 instance for each and both on 2.5.7…

Seems other users have the same kind of problem…

@dror-israel Thanks for your feedback. Is the satellite on an ARM CPU device like a Raspberry Pi?

@dror-israel @Platup Did you retrain after upgrading to 2.5.7? If not, can you retrain and try again? If it still does not work, can you rollback to version 2.5.6, retrain and see if everything goes back to normal?

I’m starting to suspect that something might be wrong with the ARM docker image…

I’m trying a fresh install.
Both on rpi 4 / 3B+

No luck with re-training/re-starting. I’ll try to rollback later.
Don’t know if this helps, but the site_id fixes in 2.5.7 don’t seem to be there. Testing from the Satellites webpages, it seems to be the same behavior I was seeing on 2.5.6.

One more interesting behavior…
After restarting the satellites, I got 1 “successful” response (from the satellite handling it’s own HASS intents). And on the 2nd satellite, it did try to send correctly to the server, but the server didn’t process the intent (like on 2.5.6).
After the first success on each, they will only wake and behave like above.

Same behavior for me either

Rolled back
It is working now

Hi guys,
For me the problem is still there

Initially I was on 2.5.6
Tried with 2.5.7
I only updated the respeaker, should I try to update other rhasspy ? (the other instances are working, only the respaker suffers the issue)

Still having the issue

Here is my config if it can help

    "dialogue": {
        "satellite_site_ids": "master"
    "handle": {
        "remote": {
            "url": ""
        "system": "remote"
    "intent": {
        "remote": {
            "url": ""
        "system": "hermes"
    "microphone": {
        "arecord": {
            "device": "plughw:CARD=seeed8micvoicec,DEV=0"
        "system": "arecord"
    "mqtt": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "host": "",
        "site_id": "satellite2"
    "sounds": {
        "aplay": {
            "device": "plughw:CARD=seeed8micvoicec,DEV=1"
        "system": "aplay"
    "speech_to_text": {
        "remote": {
            "url": ""
        "system": "hermes"
    "text_to_speech": {
        "remote": {
            "url": ""
        "system": "hermes"
    "wake": {
        "system": "raven"


  • respeaker --> satellite2 (
  • computer --> master (

If someone has an advice, I will be happy to get some recommandations.

Best regards

probably a dumb question, but how do you roll back?
I was trying…

docker pull --platform linux/arm/v6 rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6

but that’s not working.
I also noticed some newer updates in GitHub. But “latest” says it’s up to date.


On my side, I did this:

  • docker pull rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 (this is on my laptop, so I didn’t need to specify the platform. Adapt according you needs)

  • It made the rhasspy 2.5.6 image available locally (alongside with the 2.5.7 image)

    docker images

    rhasspy/rhasspy 2.5.7 5d4c93ceb23d 2 days ago 1.64GB
    rhasspy/rhasspy 2.5.6 b320c65b825a 2 weeks ago 1.5GB
    rhasspy/rhasspy latest b320c65b825a 2 weeks ago 1.5GB

  • Then I killed and removed the Rhasspy container using the 2.5.7 image

  1. Identify the container name (for me its “rhasspy”, we can see it uses the “rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.7” image)

    docker ps | grep rhasspy

     f8d03395b35f        rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.7      "bash /usr/lib/rhass…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>12101/tcp                         rhasspy
  2. Kill the container
    docker kill rhasspy

  3. Remove the container (in my case, I store rhasspy config files on my local disk with a mountpoint. Please adapt to your setup to prevent data loss :wink: )

    docker rm rhasspy

  4. Finally, recreate your container and tell him to use the rhasspy 2.5.6 image

    docker run (adapt your custom options here) rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6

NB: here we can see we will create a container that will use the rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 image

  1. Verify your container is using the expected image version

    docker ps | grep rhasspy
    1e8fd931bb17 rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 "bash /usr/lib/rhass…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>12101/tcp

NB: We can see that the container “rhasspy” is using the image rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.6 as expected

Hope it will help you

Good luck and have fun

1 Like

Thank you! That was very helpful and I’ve successfully rolled back.

Any news about the fix to this problem?

I would be happy to get some news :slightly_smiling_face:

The fix is under way. Hang in there

1 Like

Dialogue manager fix has been pushed to Docker. Debian packages are coming soon!

1 Like

Thank you!
I can indeed confirm this fixed the Satellite wakeword issue. However, the Pi Zero’s are still taking a much longer time to “Save” and then “Reboot” when making a change (compared to 2.5.6).

Should the “Server” handle the Home Assistant Intents for the Satellites? I tried, but they don’t seem to be triggering unless I setup intent handling on each satellite.

And it also looks like Home Assistant still isn’t receiving the Site ID… or am I possibly doing something wrong in not adding site_id as a slot?

1 Like