Wakeword false positive setting light brightness to 5 septillion

Sometimes Rhasspy thinks it hears a command that we didn’t actually say, like image

I accept that there will be false positives, particularly from the TV or a u-tube video … but what I find really odd is the way it results in a TTS confirmation hermes/tts/say of
{“topic”:“hermes/tts/say”,“payload”:"{“text”: “Dimming living room light 5555555555555555555555555”, “siteId”: “sat-3B”, “lang”: null, “id”: “86bd5abf-c7e6-4f76-a154-5e7328961b02”, “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”, “volume”: null}",“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“a6904d5f20c3be83”}

Heck, I didn’t even know that 5 septillion was a number, let alone a valid brightness value :wink:

I obviously have more work to do with wakeword and intent recognition :slight_smile: Just thought you might find it as much fun as we did when it first happened.

For anyone interested in tracking the MQTT messages, they were:

{“topic”:“hermes/nlu/query”,“payload”:"{“input”: “dim the living room light to medium please”, “siteId”: “sat-3B”, “id”: null, “intentFilter”: null, “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”, “wakewordId”: “porcupine_raspberry-pi”, “lang”: null, “customData”: “porcupine_raspberry-pi”, “asrConfidence”: 0.9842242, “customEntities”: null}",“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“2fe7e0b6a4a73c64”}

{“topic”:“hermes/nlu/intentParsed”,“payload”:"{“input”: “dim the living room light to 5 please”, “intent”: {“intentName”: “LightBrightness”, “confidenceScore”: 1.0}, “siteId”: “sat-3B”, “id”: null, “slots”: [{“entity”: “name”, “value”: {“kind”: “Unknown”, “value”: “living room light”}, “slotName”: “name”, “rawValue”: “living room light”, “confidence”: 1.0, “range”: {“start”: 8, “end”: 25, “rawStart”: 8, “rawEnd”: 25}}, {“entity”: “brightness”, “value”: {“kind”: “Unknown”, “value”: “5”}, “slotName”: “brightness”, “rawValue”: “medium”, “confidence”: 1.0, “range”: {“start”: 29, “end”: 30, “rawStart”: 29, “rawEnd”: 35}}], “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”}",“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“059199459efb3622”}

{“topic”:“hermes/intent/LightBrightness”,“payload”:"{“input”: “dim the living room light to 5 please”, “intent”: {“intentName”: “LightBrightness”, “confidenceScore”: 1.0}, “siteId”: “sat-3B”, “id”: null, “slots”: [{“entity”: “name”, “value”: {“kind”: “Unknown”, “value”: “living room light”}, “slotName”: “name”, “rawValue”: “living room light”, “confidence”: 1.0, “range”: {“start”: 8, “end”: 25, “rawStart”: 8, “rawEnd”: 25}}, {“entity”: “brightness”, “value”: {“kind”: “Unknown”, “value”: “5”}, “slotName”: “brightness”, “rawValue”: “medium”, “confidence”: 1.0, “range”: {“start”: 29, “end”: 30, “rawStart”: 29, “rawEnd”: 35}}], “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”, “customData”: “porcupine_raspberry-pi”, “asrTokens”: [[{“value”: “dim”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 0, “rangeEnd”: 3, “time”: null}, {“value”: “the”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 4, “rangeEnd”: 7, “time”: null}, {“value”: “living”, “confidence”: 1.0, “rangeStart”: 8, “rangeEnd”: 14, “time”: null}, {“value”: “room”, “confidence…”,“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“04a28b7ab89df9e8”}

{“topic”:“hermes/tts/say”,“payload”:"{“text”: “Dimming living room light 5555555555555555555555555”, “siteId”: “sat-3B”, “lang”: null, “id”: “86bd5abf-c7e6-4f76-a154-5e7328961b02”, “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”, “volume”: null}",“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“a6904d5f20c3be83”}

{“topic”:“hermes/asr/stopListening”,“payload”:"{“siteId”: “sat-3B”, “sessionId”: “sat-3B-porcupine_raspberry-pi-f58c1622-6427-47c3-9f8e-85dc34b02e53”}",“qos”:0,“retain”:false,"_msgid":“3a529782420f64f7”}

I usually set my lights to 5 septillion brightness 4 septillion is just to dim : )