Wakeword Choice for German

To all the other other german people running rhasspy, which systems are you using for wakeword detection, that perform well ?
I tried a lot of different things trying to get good wakeword detection but without succes.

We use Snowboy with the Dutch profile and even though it’s not German, there are a lot of similarities between both languages.

@geoffrey do you use a custom wakeword or one of the universal ones ?

The universal one for Snowboy itself, it even sometimes awakens when somebody in a Dutch spoken movie says e.g. snowboard.

@geoffrey do you get a lot of false positives or false negatives ?

Almost none. I’m testing with a Raspberry Pi Zero using a ReSpeaker 2 Mic Array and adjusted my settings in profile.json as follows:

    "wake": {
        "snowboy": {
            "audio_gain": "1.5",
            "sensitivity": "0.6",
            "udp_audio_port": "12202"
        "system": "snowboy"

I have not really tweaked it yet, just increased the audio_gain and sensitivity.

That seem to work decent, atleast when i increase the sensitivity to 0.85 or so and i get surprisingly little false activation.
I will try that until i manage to get precise working with rhasspy.