Using Rhasspy with MQTT

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on integrating Rhasspy with MQTT for home automation purposes. I have successfully set up MQTT as a communication protocol between Rhasspy and my devices; but I am facing an issue with intent handling. :upside_down_face:

I have noticed that some intents triggered by voice commands are not consistently recognized or executed by my MQTT-connected devices. This inconsistency seems to occur intermittently and I am not able to find out the exact cause. I have checked native documentation but still need help .

Has anyone encountered similar issues with intent handling over MQTT and found effective solutions?

Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi boblewis, Are you using Mqtt.fx (or something similar to actually watch the traffic, and grab the JSON? I’ve run into issues with differences in what is the JSON being sent from Rhasspy, and the JSON in Home Assistant, but once I’ve puzzled out exactly what is being sent, and what is being received, I haven’t had any issues with consistency. I’d suggest firing up Mqtt.fx, starting talking to Rhasspy and watch the mqtt messages and see if there is a difference when the device triggers, and when it doesn’t.

Hey boblewis,

A little more info would help I think. A few questions I have are. Did you set up a base server and then have satellite devices? Are you using a python script using something like paho to send and receive the mqtt messages? If yes to those. Would you be able to add a screen shot of your base and satellite rhasspy configs? As well as a copy of your python script?

My thought is that maybe the device id’s are not being passed correctly to know where to send the response to the command

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