Hi @KiboOst,
the on/off toggle solution for the Respeaer 2 PiHAT seems really interesting, but I didn’t quite understand what steps actually are necessary to do this. Would you mind elaborating in a few easier explained steps? I read the code on your homepage but wasn’t sure what to do with it.
Cheers, Thomas
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean the section “ReSpeaker Button” and the code given in the “Example toggling rhasspy wakeword” on this page. https://kiboost.github.io/jeedom_docs/other/Rhasspy/HermesLedControl/
Where does that code go and how is it called? This probably is very basic, but I don’t have a lot of experience with this.
From the description I understand pressing the button should toggle the wakeword detection on/off (e.g. when there is lots a talking going on and you want to be sure to avoid false postives) and indicate either state by the LEDs. That’s what I’m looking for.
Yes, go to hermesLedControl_v2.0.0 folder
Go to ledPatterns folder
Open the py file corresping to the led pattern you use
At the bottom, use such sort of code:
Hi KiboOst,
Thanks a lot for your work, I use JeeRhasspy and found some very interesting things on your page.
I just discovered a mobile app for Rhasspy (https://github.com/razzo04/rhasspy-mobile-app) and tried it on an old Android phone. I wonder if you could take a look and maybe add it to your pages (and maybe to JeeRhasspy for tts).
Nice list of tips, somehow I missed this when I created my awesome-rhasspy list. I rectified this error and added your page. JeeRhasspy was already on it
Too bad, I have no idea how it’s working in Android, Rhasspy recognizes it as a satellite but the interface is not as usual and it’s not possible to send configuration from jeeRhassy (of course). Very convenient for sending orders when TV or music is playing a little loud… Many thanks anyway !