
Can you try to manually cut the x_uncut.wav, save them overwrting x.wav and generate a new pmdl file ?
Maybe automatic cutting cause problems ?

I’ve generate mine with manual cutting (before scripting auto cutting) and I have no false positive and 100% detection.

x_uncut.wav files were looking good when listening them but I have not check them with Audacity. I will load them into Audacity to have a look and will try to cut the x.wav files manually too.

After checking my config, I was already using arecord for the microphone.

I have done new records in another silent room and tried to manually cut the files but it was still the same.

Finally, I have used the uncut files to generate it and it is a lot better. Only a few false positive with sensitivity set to 0.5 and no more false positive with 0.4 (but not 100% detection).

So I will try with new records and new wake words to find the better one.

do you know if it would help to take the audio files into audacity and remove all background noise, in order to decrease false positives? logic would seem to dictatate that it would be so. what i am really asking is if you have tried it yet, before i take the time to do so.

Hi KiboOst,
I already started successfully and used Snowboy-CustomMaker from december 2020. but it seem that snowboy company ( stopped and shutdown all applications, also stopped to provide an API token to generate the pmdl wakeword.
How can we continue to use and generate custom wakeword or should I change of wakeword module ?
in case of change, what do you purpose instead of ?
thanks in advance.

Just take a look at this instead.

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I have personally switched to Raven wakeword. Easier to set and seems better.

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Thanks Daenara and KiboOst for your suggess, I will have a look the more easy to use :wink: