Seeed ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT vs. keyestudio ReSpeaker 2-Mic Pi HAT V1.0


Did anyone else test both devices? I’ve both devices here. My first guess was that they should be very similar.
Unfortunately I get way better results with the Seeed one.
I’ve tried also a lot with the alsa settings, but cannot get the keyestudio hats working in a good way.

Any suggestions what could be wrong? Or is really just the hardware better of the seeed hats?



Might be the seed ones are better but to be honest the hardware is the same apart from the order on the PCB.

I have a keyestudio and think its crap but generally do of all the 2mics especially the drivers that really you need to use what hintak provides.
The drivers and settings are the same as its the same WM8960 codec, also the adafruit one.

hi rolyan_trauts,

actully the mics themselfs are not the same. The rest is slighly different.

I tested both devices in detail from anywhere of my reference setup (with seeed). Same room, same location, same settings. The Keyestudios are not working like the seeeds. I don’t know exactly why.

  • At first I put both devices (1x pi zero + seeed, 1x pi zero with keyestudio) at the same place. Went to the other side of the room, seeed is reacting, keyestudio not.
  • Second try was just that I removed the seeed hat and replaced it with the keyestudio. So 100% identical setup, beside the hat. Result was that it was not working like the seeed hat.

Prob the AGC as the difference of various mic sensitivity is little especially mems that are all approx in the same ballpark.
For every doubling of distance , the sound level reduces by 6 decibels (dB) hence there is no magic far field mic just gain that AGC will auto adjust.

The SNR limits the gain as too much gain gives too much noise…

I don’t think the quality control is too good on the keyesstudio and prob a good chance it might be a bad one otherwise I think they are the same.

I don’t bother with them as without beamforming algs 2x omni-electret is 1x pointless and summing out of phase mics makes a psuedo high pass filter, so really you end up with a single omni mic on a pcb that is near impossible to isolate.
So yeah I have a keyesstudio and wouldn’t recommend it but for me the respeaker is equally pointless.

Got ya.

Tbh I was searching for an almost cheap and reliable solution for the pi zeros, as I dont want waste too much energy with overpowered devices. With the one from seeed I am quite fine, but absolutelly no comparison to the Jabra 410 I have in my livingroom.

Do you have a better recomendation what to use?

I also must admit, that I’m not really aware what all this settings via alsa do. So for me its like trial and error, as the docu about this is more than crap. I ended up using settings which were provided in this forum here.

Not really as any mic with AGC and have audio in/out on same card so you can use software AEC if you so choose but some can cope with slight clock drift.

I use cheap electret such as Mini Unidirectional 3.5mm Recording Microphone Fr Mobile Phone/Notebook Computer | eBay as cardioid so slightly directional and rejects noise from the rear on a cheap usb soundcard.
External Virtual 7.1 Channels USB Stereo Sound Card Audio Adaptor Converter -EU- 8608845620852 | eBay prob better getting one from pihut or whover sells them as it can be hit and miss the generaltec ? anyway its a lotto as seem to conatin 2 chipsets if its an intel its not good at all if its the other (generaltec ?) the agc is quite excellent

Prob say get respeaker if you want a 2 mic as it seems a common gripe with the keyestudio but some say theres are ok.

I actually use one of these as it mounts on a mini tripod has a mobile trrs cable and is my broadcast mic also, but bit of an overkill prob for a voice AI.

The cheapo above is about the same sensitivity then you just need a decent AGC which can be very poor on a lot of cards.
But if you hit the lotto those cheap white USB with the right chipset just plugged one in and did a lsusb Generalplus technology 1b3f:2008 cheap but good AGC.