Save profile doesn't work

Hi there!

I am trying to edit my profile in the advanced tab in order to use a custom program for intent handling.

"handle": {
    "command": {
        "program": "/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/"
        "arguments": []
    "forward_to_hass": false

But when I hit “save profile” and restart Rhasspy, the added part is gone. Since that is a change diffferent from the default, I am wondering why it is not shown? Thanks for any help!

The code only saves non-standard/custom portions of your profile. Perhaps your config YAML matches the default a little too closely?

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Thank you! The thing is that’s the template

“handle”: {
“system”: “command”,
“command”: {
“program”: “/path/to/program”,
“arguments”: []
“forward_to_hass”: true

so it can’t really differ that much :confused:

do you need a comma after the program line?

"handle": {
    "command": {
        "program": "/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/",
        "arguments": []
    "forward_to_hass": false
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You’re right, thank you very much! Unfortunately, Rhasspy’s behaviour doesn’t change :confused: Still not saved

hmmm… need a space after the colon in

    "system": "command",

but that’s the only other syntax issue that I can see. Might want to check that all the parts above and below what you shared are valid json, too, including starting with a {

Obvious, I know, but it’s always the punctuation that gets me.

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Embarrrassing how many typos I missed :man_facepalming: Thanks again! I hope there is no left

“microphone”: {
“arecord”: {
“device”: “default:CARD=seeed4micvoicec”
“system”: “arecord”
“handle”: {
“system”: “command”,
“command”: {
“program”: “/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/”,
“arguments”: []
“forward_to_hass”: false

That’s how I’m trying to save it now, but it still doesn’t work :sob: I’m sorry to bother you! Obviously there’s something I’m missing, I’m sure it’s something stupid…

Your JSON is missing a comma before “handle”.

Here you go (the corrected version):

  "microphone": {
    "arecord": {
      "device": "default:CARD=seeed4micvoicec"
    "system": "arecord"
  "handle": {
    "system": "command",
    "command": {
      "program": "/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/",
      "arguments": []
    "forward_to_hass": false

You can use something like this to validate your JSON before submitting it:


What a powerful tool, thank you very much! I don’t know why, but Rhasspy still only saves the microphone part …

My input:

“microphone”: {
“arecord”: {
“device”: “default:CARD=seeed4micvoicec”
“system”: “arecord”
“handle”: {
“system”: “command”,
“command”: {
“program”: “/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/”,
“arguments”: []
“forward_to_hass”: false

What Rhasspy shows after save and automatic restart

“microphone”: {
“arecord”: {
“device”: “default:CARD=seeed4micvoicec”
“system”: “arecord”

EDIT: After updating to 2.4.16, rhasspy shows me this after the save and automatic restart:

“microphone”: {
“arecord”: {
“device”: “default:CARD=seeed4micvoicec”
“system”: “arecord”
“handle”: {
“system”: “command”,
“command”: {
“program”: “/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/”

Also, it doesn’t call my program :confused:

“error”: “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/pi/’: ‘/home/pi/’”

But I guess that’s another story

Nice suggestion on the tool, I wonder who created these tools for a developer whose life got easier. I use similar tools for JSON.

Thank you Fastjack for suggesting this JSON tool.

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