RPi Zero Docker Issue for 2.5.8

I just pulled the latest image for the RPI Zero and when I tried my Docker Run command to install the image I am getting this error:

docker: Error response from daemon: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/e374ef8a15f37644db9e55d7da6c64c3cae14d4d1064b9fc072fbf3aaf3fb45f-init/merged: no such file or directory.

I pulled the RPi Zero image with:
docker pull --platform linux/arm/v6 rhasspy/rhasspy

Here is my Run command:

docker run -d \
-p 12101:12101 \
--net=host \
-e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \
--name rhasspy \
--restart unless-stopped \
-v "$HOME/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" \
-v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \
-e TZ=America/Toronto \
--device /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
rhasspy/rhasspy \
--user-profiles /profiles \
--profile en

I used this Run command yesterday when I tried to install 5.2.8 but somehow (likely user error) I ended up reinstalling 2.5.7.

Iā€™ve setup two rpi0 (running volumio in a berryboot environment) just yesterday, using almost the same commands (i didnt use host option but ports)
For me it is still working fine. what distro are you running?

I am running Raspbian Buster on the Pi Zero W.

I did an update - Upgrade of my Pi Zero and there were a few packages that were updated.
Tried the install again and I got the same error.

Tried installing 2.5.7 with the same command changing only:
rhasspy/rhasspy /
rhasspy/rhasspy:2.5.7 /

and it worked fine.

So maybe an issue with the 2.5.8 image for the linux/arm/v6 platform?

Have you tried using the same --platform argument you used in your docker pull when issuing the docker run command?

I just tried this:

docker run -d \
-p 12101:12101 \
--net=host \
-e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 \
--name rhasspy \
--restart unless-stopped \
-v "$HOME/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" \
-v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \
-e TZ=America/Toronto \
--device /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
--platform linux/arm/v6 rhasspy/rhasspy \
--user-profiles /profiles \
--profile en

It resulted in the same error

docker: Error response from daemon: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/d225ed315311fdeb7f876dfa8788f1fa53ce50b7d1237193a2b7adb59f13caa3-init/merged: no such file or directory.
See ā€˜docker run --helpā€™.

Do you already have a container named rhasspy (from --name rhasspy)?. Try to delete it (docker container rm rhasspy) before running docker run (or change the name of your new container).

The first time I renamed the old container but after running into the error after that Iā€™ve been removing the container.

Also there are no other containers on this system. Is there a way to remove downloaded images?
Iā€™m wondering if there is something wrong with the 2.5.8 image I pulled in that I thought I had pulled it. I removed 2.5.7 and installed 2.5.8 but when I checked the web interface it was 2.5.7.
So I pulled 2.5.8 again and then I got the errors.
Maybe the initial pull died, and Iā€™ve got bits missing? Iā€™m assuming there is a hash check for the image but I donā€™t know.

You can issue a docker image prune to remove all dangling images or docker rmi <image name> to remove a specific image.

So I did a ā€œdocker rmi rhasspy/rhasspyā€ and it ran for a bit and then it spit this out:

Error response from daemon: unlinkat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbb9b32b67919d7662f82a9a0134f4318bb4d8fd71686c905c87b829e95974dd/diff/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gstreamer-1.0/libgstgoom2k1.so: structure needs cleaning

Is this an error with the file system?

Iā€™m working on that thought right now.

Iā€™ve purged my system of Rhasspy and Docker and Iā€™m starting over from a fresh Docker install.

If that doesnā€™t work then Iā€™m going to start over with a new Micro SD card.

Thanks, @rlongfield

Let me know if this works. Iā€™m not able to build AppImages for the Pi Zero currently, so Docker is going to be the only path for it now besides a source build.

I removed Rhasspy and Docker from my system and started over with a fresh Docker and Rhasspy install.

I installed 2.5.8 and it is running properly now. Well itā€™s slow but I think there is a problem with the SD card. I picked up a replacement one just today.

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