It’s christmas, so here is a little python script I previously wrote for SNIPS, and have converted to Rhasspy.
It allow you easily test dozens of sentences for intent recognition.
I have use it to fine tune my intents / slots and got 100% matched over 52 test sentences
Still waiting for number, datetime and duration slots to be able to convert my last snips intents to rhasspy.
Load it in sublime text or whatever, in main enter rhasspy ip and port, and choose ingletest() or batchtest()
Here is json format for batch test:
"allume la lumière de la cuisine": "lightsTurnOnJeedom",
"balance de la pop": "turnOnJeedom",
And the result:
[ MATCHED] lightsTurnOnJeedom | query: allume la lumière de la cuisine | confidence:1.0 | Slots: house_room : cuisine
[ MATCHED] turnOnJeedom | query: balance de la pop | confidence:1.0 | Slots: device_name : musique | music_genre : popmatched: 2 | unmatched: 0 | total: 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys, os
import time
import json
import urllib
import urllib.request
requestUrl = urllib.request
parseUrl = urllib.parse
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar, LWPCookieJar
_debug = False
#_debug = 3
class rhasspyBatcher():
def __init__(self, _adrr='', _port=''):
self._version = 0.12
self._adrr = _adrr
self._port = _port
self._urlHost = self._adrr+':'+self._port
self._reqHdl = None
self.matched = 0
self.unmatched = 0
self.tested = 0
if self.connect() == True:
if _debug: debug(1, "__Rhasspy connected__")
def connect(self):
answer = self.request('GET', self._urlHost, '/api/version')
if _debug: debug(1, 'answer connect: %s'%answer)
if answer[0] == 200 : return True
return False
def testQuery(self, inputQuery):
inputQuery = inputQuery.lower()
answer = self.request('POST', self._urlHost, '/api/text-to-intent?nohass=true', inputQuery)
if _debug: debug(6, "testQuery:answer %s"%answer)
return answer
def showResult(self, nluInference, matchIntent='', query='', showOnlyUnmatched=False):
self.tested += 1
displayResult = ''
showThis = True
intentInput = nluInference
intent = intentInput['intent']
confidence = intent['confidence']
intentName = intent['name']
entities = nluInference['entities']
slots = nluInference['slots']
#no intent found:
if intentName == '':
displayResult = '[UNFOUND ]'
self.unmatched += 1
if matchIntent:
displayResult += ' should match: %s | query: %s'%(matchIntent, query)
return False
if matchIntent != '':
if matchIntent == intentName:
if showOnlyUnmatched: showThis = False
self.matched += 1
displayResult += '[ MATCHED] %s | query: %s'%(matchIntent, query)
self.unmatched += 1
displayResult += '[---UNMATCHED] %s should: %s | query: %s'%(intentName, matchIntent, query)
displayResult += ' | confidence:%s'%round(confidence, 2)
if showThis:
displaySlotResult = ''
for slot in slots:
slotName = slot
slotValue = slots[slot]
displaySlotResult += ' | %s : %s'%(slotName, slotValue)
if len(slots) == 0:
displaySlotResult = 'No slot found'
displayResult += ' | Slots: %s'%displaySlotResult
def request(self, method, host, path='', jsonString=None, postinfo=None): #standard function handling all get/post request
if self._reqHdl == None:
self._reqHdl = requestUrl.build_opener()
self._reqHdl.addheaders = [
('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0'),
('Connection', 'keep-alive'),
('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8'),
('Upgrade-Insecure-Requests', 1)
url = host+path
if _debug: debug(5, 'request: %s method: %s postinfo: %s'%(url, method, postinfo))
if method == 'GET':
answer = self._reqHdl.open(url, timeout = 5)
if jsonString != None:
jsonBytes = jsonString.encode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=jsonBytes, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
answer = self._reqHdl.open(req)
if postinfo != None:
data = parseUrl.urlencode(postinfo)
answer = self._reqHdl.open(url, data, timeout = 5)
if jsonString != None:
if _debug: debug(5, 'request info: %s'%answer.info())
result = json.load(answer)
return result
return [answer.getcode(), answer.read()]
def debug(level, text):
if _debug >= level:
print("--debug:", text)
def batchTest(jsonPath):
batchJson = json.load(open(jsonPath, 'rb'), encoding='utf-8')
for query in batchJson:
if _debug: debug(3, 'batch test: %s | %s'%(query, batchJson[query]))
result = rhasspy.testQuery(query)
rhasspy.showResult(result, batchJson[query], query)
except Exception as e:
print('Batch test ERROR: ', e)
def singleTest(query, matchIntent=''):
result = rhasspy.testQuery(query)
rhasspy.showResult(result, matchIntent, query)
#testing purpose:
if __name__ == "__main__":
_adrr = ""
_port = "12101"
rhasspy = rhasspyBatcher(_adrr, _port)
singleTest("allume la lumière", 'lightsTurnOnJeedom')
print('matched: %s | unmatched: %s | total: %s'%(rhasspy.matched, rhasspy.unmatched, rhasspy.tested))
It is rather simple, but having a json with a set of currently used sentences by family help validating the assistant after modifications/training. It help me a lot to understand and debug snips nlu, and just helped me a lot with rhasspy. So if anyone find it usefull, feel free to use it
After a few hundreds of tests, rhasspt finish by saying “can’t create new thread”. You must then restart the docker container or the venv to get it back running fine. Done it a few times without problems, during tons of editing intents, training etc.