Hello All,
I just want to share a little of my experience with rhasspy - and maybe get a little feedback and tips.
First of all, I want to thank all people, who made this project possible - synesthesiam and the rest of the rhasspy contributors, kiboost for his topic on project HermesLedControl and all the community members sharing tips and Ideas.
Secondly, please forgive my misstakes, but I’m not a native speaker.
So, now my setup (even if it is not that impressive):
The basic setup is a ReSpeaker 4 Mic Hat on a Pi3A+. The ReSpeaker has these nice LED ring and I found it cool to have (and I still find it cool). Elsewise the ReSpeaker is not that great in my oppinion. But more later. By the way, it does not have a case yet
Rhasspy Installation
I run rhasspy in an virtual environment with the sources cloned from github and I must say, since Rhasspy 2.5 installing and running in an venv workes fine for me.
I find the ReSpeaker is a rather noisy microphone and the wake word detection and stt is average. So I experimented a little come up with a little custom denoise scipt to improve the audio stream (denoising, volume leveling and so on). So, if you have problems on ReSpeaker mics, you might want to try a custom audio record script. Also I stream the audio locally via UDP because I personally find the permanent audio stream is to much on the MQTT broker.
wake word
For wake word detection I use snowboy with JARVIS. The wake words from porcupine arn’t that great (in my oppinion) and I cannot get MyCroft Precise (I want Marvin of cause) to trigger stable. So I named my Project JARVIS for now. Unfortunaltely with my denoise script, snowboy gives me even more false activations (with sensitivity 0.66).
LED Ring
I use project-alice-assistant / HermesLedControl with the Alexa pattern for the ReSpeaker LED Ring - thanks to KiboOst for pointing me to that.
Intent Handling
Core of my project is my self build Home Assistant “skill” (along with some other basic intent handlers). This allows me to define the things I want to do directly in the sentences.ini (so no need to change my Home Assistant Config to handle the intents). This is for simple cases of cause, but for me, it is enough to switch lights on and off, activating a scene and so on.
So I can define:
switch on the light (:){entity_id:light_1}
without tinkering with my Home Assistant or restart an Service. Retrain Rhasspy is enough.
I’ve uploaded the sources on GitHub # mk-81 / rhasspy-simple-intent
So, if you are interested, give it a look. It is not complete of cause.
The rest is pretty straight forward I assume:
- NanoTTS for text output
- Kaldi for stt (Mozilla Deepspeach didn’t work and is propably out of maintainance by now).
- Fsticuffs for intent recognition - didn’t get Snips working on my PI3, MyCroft is not supported by now and Fuzzywuzzy was way to fuzzy for me
Hope you enjoied my setup a bit and if you have any tips, you are welcome to share. Especially for improving wake word detection and reduce false activations or getting MyCroft Precice to recognize me.