Rhasspy host suddenly became slow

I noticed that my raspberry pi which is used to host a docker install of rhasspy and node-red suddenly became very slow. The system load is systematically above one.
I noticed the following processes are slurping lots of processor power:

root 3323 7.0 1.4 48528 13936 ? Sl Aug20 70:29 python3 -m rhasspywake_snowboy_hermes --model-dir /profiles/nl/snowboy --debug --host localhost --port 12183 --site-id default --model snowboy.umdl 0.5 1.0 False

root 3316 4.1 10.0 209436 95156 ? Sl Aug20 41:44 python3 -m rhasspyasr_kaldi_hermes --model-type nnet3 --model-dir /profiles/nl/kaldi/model --graph-dir /profiles/nl/kaldi/model/graph --debug --host localhost --port 12183 --site-id default --dictionary /profiles/nl/kaldi/dictionary.txt --language-model /profiles/nl/kaldi/language_model.txt --base-dictionary /profiles/nl/kaldi/base_dictionary.txt --base-dictionary /profiles/nl/kaldi_custom_words.txt --dictionary-casing lower --g2p-model /profiles/nl/kaldi/g2p.fst --unknown-words /profiles/nl/kaldi_unknown_words.txt --base-language-model-fst /profiles/nl/base_language_model.fst --base-language-model-weight 0 --mixed-language-model-fst /profiles/nl/mixed.fst --voice-skip-seconds 0 --voice-min-seconds 1 --voice-speech-seconds 0.3 --voice-silence-seconds 0.5 --voice-before-seconds 0.5 --voice-sensitivity 1

root 3332 3.6 1.3 69732 12492 ? Sl Aug20 36:47 python3 -m rhasspymicrophone_pyaudio_hermes --sample-rate 16000 --sample-width 2 --channels 1 --debug --host localhost --port 12183 --site-id default --device-index 2 --udp-audio-host

any idea what could cause this behavior?

kind regards,