Rhasspy 2.5 questions

I’m switching from snips to rhasspy and need some help.
I have a hass on rpi 3b+
I have rhasspy server on a different rpi 3b+
and I have a rhasspy client on rpi 4 with respeaker 4-mic array.
Installationd worked well - used the container method.
And now to the questions:

  1. should i use external mqtt (like I did with snips and HASS, and witch i couldn’t manage to get it working on rhasspy) or the http method (witch I did managed to configure)?

  2. I managed to operate with the http method, but on the intent handling ->home assistant options there are two options: send events and send intents. what is the different? with snips I used intent_script file.

  3. For the wake work I tried both snowboy and porcupine, but it doesn’t recognize when I call the wake word (on snips it works for me great). Is there a configuration I can make beside the sensitivity option?

  4. I can’t seen to find how to replace the audio feedback…

  5. On hass config yaml I put
    url: ‘http://192.168.1.xxx:13202/api/text-to-speech
    method: ‘POST’
    accept: ‘text/plain’
    Content-Type: ‘text/plain’
    payload: ‘{{ payload }}’
    but what if i have more clients? how does hass knows to which client it should send the response feedback?

  6. how do I define this in the slots:
    “lights”: [
    “(living room wall):light.bulb_3”,
    “(living room desk):switch.m4”,
    “(living room floor):switch.sonoff”,
    “(bar lights):switch.maxcio1”,
    “(entry wall):light.bulb_4”,
    “(guest wall):light.bulb_6”,
    “(guest floor):switch.m5”,
    “(bedroom wall):light.bulb_5”,
    “(bedroom desk):light.bulb_1”,
    “(bedroom floor):light.bulb_2”

I will probably have more questions later on :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me with my questions?

These docs should help you:

I already read this several times with no luck to find answers to my questions

Will try to answer some of your questions:
should i use external mqtt (like I did with snips and HASS, and witch i couldn’t manage to get it working on rhasspy) or the http method (witch I did managed to configure)?
If running the server, you may leave the MQTT as internal. Rhasspy has its own internal MQTT

I managed to operate with the http method, but on the intent handling ->home assistant options there are two options: send events and send intents. what is the different? with snips I used intent_script file.
Send events - Rhasspy directly fire intents as Events to Rhasspy. The format is rhasspy_. In your HA Automation, you could directly catch this event and perform your automations. The slots values could be captured as {{trigger.event.data.}}

For the wake work I tried both snowboy and porcupine, but it doesn’t recognize when I call the wake word (on snips it works for me great). Is there a configuration I can make beside the sensitivity option?
I use Pocketsphinx and it works just fine everytime.

Thanks for you help.
I had some progress, but my main problem now is that the siteID parameter does not passed on the intent json and therefore i can not use it in hass.io.
Any idea why is that?