RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

I bumped into this problem: when adding one new small sentence in the interface at http://myraspberry:12101/sentences I got the following error message pop-up:

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Some googling learned me this:

The “ sys ” module in Python provides a function called setrecursionlimit() to modify the recursion limit in Python

How can I do this in a proper way “in Rhasspy”?

kind regards,

This probably means that you are crossreferencing sentences /slots…
This warning prevents rhasspy from training a never ending list of sentences.
Maybe you can check this?

This probably means that you are crossreferencing sentences /slots…
This warning prevents rhasspy from training a never ending list of sentences.
Maybe you can check this?

I removed the sentence (forgot to copy it first…) and re did it, now the error message disappeared…

kind regards,

So it’s fixed?
it could have been a simple typo. This occurs quite regularly once you work with multiple sentences and slots and don’t watch out on the details…

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