Raspberry Pi 3 B+ vs. Raspberry Pi 4

What device is the better choice? - I know not a 100% Rhasspy related Question.
I know the Pi 4 has more power but is the speech recognition faster on it, does anyone have experience with that or even tested both? I want to use pocketsphinx.

Hey Strohhut,
i would believe so and it’s what I’m counting on…

This guy did benchmarks with the pi4 and following his guide i got only 4s translation time on my pi3 compared to his 1.9. I believe it will be the same with pocketsphinx…
However Ram may also play an important role since the pi4 is available with different options…
Hope it helps

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Hi, thank you for the link.

Yeah seems like there could be a speed boost, I found a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB on Sale and bought it. Once I’m finished I will test my project on both Pi 3 B+ and Pi 4 2GB.

I will publish my results here :slight_smile:

I had the same plan :smiley: Could you provide the link for the sale ? :slight_smile:

I’m from Germany so it’s a German seller and partner of Raspberry, so don’t know if that is useful to you:

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If you are in the US, Micro Center is a good place to pick one up.


Thanks for the info. Though the German vendor did the trick since I’m also german :laughing:

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