PS3 eye USB mic Setup on Raspberry Pi 4 + Docker

So, what I have done, following your steps:

Downloaded the file you mentioned, directly, to avoid copy pasting problems.

Before doing any changes as you suggested, I entered the container, doing in the guest host:

docker exec -it rhasspy sh

and then

'# aplay test.wav
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1108:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
aplay: main:828: audio open error: No such file or directory

So two errors, the first recgarind the audio hardware problem, the send because I don’t have a test.wav file

OK, then exiting the container sh, returining to the guest host

$ pwd

Changed the owner to the user with docker permission, in my case it is docker_user

sudo chown docker_user asound.conf

Checked if the contents were OK

nano asound.conf

And it has the contents of the whole file as expected.

Create a new entry in my docker compose file, as you said:

– “/<…>/portainer/Files/AppData/Config/Rhasspy/files/asound.conf:/etc/asound.conf”

Launched the container, OK no errors.
Entering the sh of the container again

docker exec -it rhasspy sh
'# aplay text.wav
aplay: main:828: audio open error: No such file or directory

Now it only has the error regarding to no file found.
It doesn’t complaint about the hardware.

It seems I am getting somehere :smiley:

In the rhasspy UI, in PyAudio, I have more options now:
array, arraygain and cap

If I press test, still non gives me WORKING state

I was saying changing to arecord does the same, before writing this, but now it says WORKING

Default Audio Device (sysdefault:CARD=CameraB409241)

So it seems you helped me doing something right!!! Thank you!

As I am lost now, what would be the next steps to ensure this is working?
Using arecord?
What next?

Thank you very much for your help, your directions are straight to the point.
Hope my “documentation” also helps someone.

PS: I bought PS3 Eye for 1 euro at a used hardware store, hence using it :smiley:

Dunno process of elimination.
Start with a bare-metal image and test it is working, just to make sure.

Also on reboots its not guaranteed you always get the same order.
aplay -l aplay -D and specify device.

Things to check is if anything else can be accessing that device as unless you set-up the IPC and dmix/dsnoop pcms its single use blocking accross all your containers.

If you have a spare pi or sd-card just do a fresh install and check the ps3eye bare metal with the asound.conf you have.

The ladspa vlevel control is quite good for AGC if you get it going GitHub - radiocicletta/vlevel: Automatic Gain Control for JACK, LADSPA, Winamp, and many more— github port from sourceforge


Firstly, confirm that the PS3 Eye camera is compatible with the Raspberry Pi. Once verified, install the necessary driver (gspca_ov534) on your Raspberry Pi using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install v4l-utils

sudo modprobe gspca_ov534

After installing the driver, test the camera’s functionality outside Docker using a tool like cheese:

sudo apt-get install cheese


Next, configure Docker to access the camera device. Use the --device flag when running your Docker container to grant access to /dev/video0, where the camera is typically located:

docker run -it --device=/dev/video0 your-image-name

If your application within Docker requires audio input from the PS3 Eye (some models include microphones), adjust the ALSA configuration (~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf) to ensure the correct audio device is selected.

Consult community resources and forums specific to using PS3 Eye cameras with Raspberry Pi and Docker.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: