Will try around a bit more. Tried to use UDP to containt audio in the satellite but it is not working. The documentation differs from the interface, it only shows a port to enter. But in rhasspy I am asked for a host and port for snowboy and audio recording. What host should I enter there? seems like a good bet to me as it should stay on that host ^^
Used Jabra to record a new hotword in good quality, all is working fine. Out of a sudden no more wakeup. After it was working great half the day. Playing around with the settings sensitivity settings, no more good results. Going back to the old setting, no wakeup.
The experience is so extremely incosistent that I have the feeling I’m missing something out.
For example: When rhasspy restarted, is there a delay (few minutes) before hotword detection becomes available again? Otherwise I can’t explain the behaviour I’m observing.Sometimes I give up frustrated and just leave it and 30min later I get a false positive. I give my wakeword a try then and it is working good.
Right now the stupid thing is reacting when my wife drops something in the kitchen but never when I say the hotword, no matter how clear and loud I pronounce it. The same hotword that was working great hours before.
Made a great step forward and I have to admit that it was best to follow what tuxedo said:
I recorded the wakeword three times with audacity, taking care that the wave is strong but does not hit 1 on the X axis.
Upload those three samples to snowboy (wakeword is now ok polly)
And very important as I don’t use Jabra but PSeye and seeed mics on my master and satellites: Go to advanced options and add the audio_gain (between 3 and 5).
Seems to be working pretty good, still needs some fine tuning ofc.
Running almost perfect now with the above settings but:
audio_gain: 5 for the PSeye cam on the master
audio_gain: 1 for the 2mic seeed Hats on the satellites
sensitivity: 0.48 on all
So far no false positives and reacting almost every time I say “Okay Polly”.