Keep rhasspy running

What does docker ps show after a reboot?

42a21bcbd5a7 synesthesiam/rhasspy-server:latest ā€œ/ --user-profā€¦ā€ 28 hours ago Up 2 hours>121 01/tcp charming_maxwell

Seems to be running?

ah sorry, missed to reboot:

Just rebooted, and now it is up without doing anything !

Maybe that was due previous unresponding state, strange !

Will keep an eye on this :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

How can we know a new rhasspy docker container is available ? To know when doing an update



i installed Rhasspy and Home Assistant with a venv and i took inspiration from to start Rhasspy at boot

Disclaimer : it is not really safe to start it as pi user but i could not find a way to make it work with un unprivileged user :

sudo nano -w /etc/systemd/system/rhasspy@pi.service

and here is my service :


ExecStart=/home/pi/rhasspy/ --profile fr


Then to enable it like this :

sudo systemctl enable rhasspy@pi


I saw you use docker run -e

when the doc say

docker run -d

What is the difference ?

Also, to stop it, we should run:
docker stop rhasspy-server

but the running instance always have a names like 54dsts13ts, how can we start the container always with same human name (rhasspy-server) ?

I use -d indeed.
Regarding the name simply add --name rhasspy-server to the docker run command.

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Is there a way to pull the last commit of rhasspy and rhasspy-nlu into the container ? Or does I can only wait for a new version of the docker container ?

You can do what you want within the container (git clone, mv files, etc.)

Enter the container bash with:
docker run -it rhasspy-server bash

Then do whatever you want with the container files.

Once you exited the container bash, you can save the changes with:
docker commit rhasspy-server

Please note that pulling a new image version will overwrite your changes.

Nice !! Will try that, many thanks again

Ok, back to venv, with new service doc, but no way.

Have follow the doc, created service, but canā€™t train at all
[ERROR:526407] main: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ā€˜/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles/fr/sentences.iniā€™

Also have lot of ā€œnetwork connection errorā€ and
wsproto.utilities.LocalProtocolError: Connection cannot be closed in state ConnectionState.CLOSED

And finally after updating from git:

Will shutdown everything and try a new fresh install I guess, but not before a few days.
Still have not been able to see what rhasspy can offer after so much trouble with venv and docker. Promising for sure, but getting it running fine is another story :disappointed_relieved:

Wow, now closing the ssh session with rhasspy running as service, and boom, no more rhasspy.

Unplugged, replugged (set all from the doc to get running at startup), still nothing.

Throwing all this :tired_face:

Iā€™m using hassio and installed rhasspy as addon

Now issues so farā€¦ I can start/stop it in a single click or just by automation
The only thing I havenā€™t done yet is to monitor current state. But itā€™s not a problem I think

For me docker also autostart on raspberry pi boot but only when pi connected with laptop through ethernet, if pi start only with usb power without any lan interface rhasspy docker seems not working or not starting on boot ā€¦
can anyone guide in this ā€¦

Thanks in advanceā€¦