Jeedom Rhasspy plugin (beta)

I have entered the address in the browser to access the console and I also tested instead of the IP address in the config, I have errors like “Invalid access token” in the configuration tab there is a window that is displayed is my jeedom login page.
and it crashed, I will have to restart.

Ok otherwise it will be all for tonight, we are looking at the rest tomorrow, so I am also starting to be quite busy because the end of year celebrations are approaching, so I have to make preparations.

message " Token d’accès invalide "

The message “The requested URL was not found on this server” comes from the version info that seems to get a wrong url, I will add a check on this. Seems jeedom never reached your rhasspy at all and entered a stored a wrong version information.


You just need the url to go to your rhasspy.

When you are on this page, note the url and the port

For example
In jeedom plugin configuration enter:
Adresse :
Port : 12101

That’s all you need on jeedom side.
Then import your assistant

Back into rhasspy interface, settings, enter the plugin url into (Assistant panel, internal url):
Use a remote HTTP server to handle intents

EDIT : I can reproduce what you have / see (<html lang= in version field etc), this is because you enter your Jeedom url into configuration adresse for rhasspy. Will set definitely set a check here !
So all you need is your rhasspy url

I just published a new Beta of the plugin, that now check when importing the assistant if the version returned is really a version number, in case the user didn’t entered the right rhasspy url into plugin configuration.

@Mytika you should update the plugin, then import the assistant. If you finnally got your rhasspy url right, it will be right, else it will reset to rhasspy version to 0.0.0 in the plugin so it won’t give errors.


Got it working the last plugin update.
Now i’m waiting for the rhasspy DEV to add the intents API and also to fix the dividedByZero issue.
I see you are evolved to test the new rhasspy-nlu version…is it working for you ?

I reinstall the plugin,
it’s the same below some pictures
I changed the port to 12101 it has changed nothing, it does not want to connect.

Like the red message say it, you IP or port for rhasspy isn’t correct.

Once more, can you open rhasspy interface in your browser ? What is this url then ?

Pourrais tu me dire comment ?
“an you open rhasspy interface in your browser ? What is this url then ?”

The url you use to go here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


How are you on this image and what is its url?
I never had this image appear here

Did you checked the rhasspy documentation ? How did you installed Rhasspy ?

Yes if you use Docker, we need an update :wink:

The nlu update works in venv installation, but not in docker, I guess we need another docker update.

Must say it’s not easy to install, which version etc and get it up to date :disappointed_relieved:
Hope things will get better with continual integration and such

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Ok thx @KiboOst …i’ll try to switch to python env.
How did you get the Intents API ? is it also available on the venv integration ?


[INFO:2373880] quart.serving: GET /api/intents 1.1 500 13 33823
[ERROR:2373855] main: NotFound(404)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/quart/”, line 1471, in full_dispatch_request
result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/quart/”, line 1519, in dispatch_request
return await handler(**request_.view_args)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/quart/”, line 85, in send_static_file
return await send_from_directory(self.static_folder, filename)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/quart/”, line 134, in send_from_directory
raise NotFound()
quart.exceptions.NotFound: NotFound(404)

Edit :
Forget it…it is working with the venv integration ==> The dev must update the docker platform accordingly.

Ah, seen like that I said to myself from the start that something was missing, I look and I come back to you.

Ah, it’s not the same there!
it’s better no ? we are progressing. I’m not sure you told me there was something to do before.

Merci pour ce plugin… :grinning:

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Would I really have to say that you need to have a running rhasspy installation to run rhasspy ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not real, I’m going to get the plugin in the market and for me it was clear that the rest had to be done alone, it’s my dream.
In short, it was I who did not follow the movement

New beta

I’ve added a way to load intents even in actual docker version which does not have /api/intents.
No problem for next version as it first check for api/intents, and of not there, use another solution.

Updated the doc to say that… well… you need rhasspy to use rhasspy :rofl: :innocent:

New beta

You can now use Jeedom Ask command with Rhasspy

So, rhasspy can ask you something, like a confirmation before turning alarm on and so on :beers:

Documentation updated /sorry still in french only.