How to (re)configure wake word and available models

I am trying to (re)configure the wake word part of my rhasspy installation, but I don’t see any models available when I use the pull down menu Available Models. This is the contents of my profile.json:

        "dialogue": {
            "system": "rhasspy"
        "intent": {
            "system": "fsticuffs"
        "microphone": {
            "pyaudio": {
                "device": "0"
            "system": "pyaudio"
        "mqtt": {
            "enabled": "true",
            "host": "mosquitto"
        "sounds": {
            "aplay": {
                "device": "sysdefault:CARD=seeed2micvoicec"
            "system": "aplay"
        "speech_to_text": {
            "system": "kaldi"
        "text_to_speech": {
            "espeak": {
                "voice": "nl"
            "system": "espeak"
        "wake": {
            "raven": {
                "probability_threshold": "0.4"
            "snowboy": {
                "model": ""
            "system": "snowboy"

In the past I could wake up the system by the word snowboy, but something must has happened as that no longer works. The system does recognize my voice commands when I click on the wake up widget and then speak. Should I add extra files in :~/containers/rhasspy/profiles/nl ?

kind regards,

It’s hard to see what might be wrong as the forum software has mangled your config file. If you could paste it as “preformatted text” it will be much easier to see if there’s something wrong.

What do you see in your logs? Also, if you are on docker install (with profile in a separate volume), just delete the container and re-pull the docker to see if all your profile load properly

It’s hard to see what might be wrong as the forum software has mangled your config file. If you could paste it as “preformatted text” it will be much easier to see if there’s something wrong.

You’re right I messed up the code layout, but I think now it is OK. To my surprise the system started reacting again to the call world “snowboy”. I can’t explain why it stopped working…and now started working again.

What do you see in your logs? Also, if you are on docker install (with profile in a separate volume), just delete the container and re-pull the docker to see if all your profile load properly

To my surprise the system started working again, however I don’t know why. I do indeed use a docker system, could you explain me which commands to perform to “delete the container and re-pull the docker to see if all your profile load properly”, I have very little experience with docker and containers and I am really afraid to destroy the system by performing the wrong commands.

kind regards,

before you delete you container, let me know which method did you use to create the docker container - a docker-compose file or just just the docker run… ?
It is much easier to maintain a docker compose - see below from the Rhasspy docs.

    image: "rhasspy/rhasspy"
    container_name: rhasspy
    restart: unless-stopped
        - "$HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles"
        - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
        - "12101:12101"
        - "/dev/snd:/dev/snd"
    command: --user-profiles /profiles --profile en 

The path $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles is where you will keep all your profiles. DO NOT delete this folder. Docker-compose will basically create the containers by taking these volumes in account.
so commands

  1. docker-compose up -d run this command where the docker-compose.yml is placed.
  2. docker stop <container_name> will stop the container
  3. docker rm <container_name> will remove the container. You can then reexecute #1 if you want to create it fresh
  4. docker images | grep <container_name> will show which image the container is using
  5. docker-compose pull <service_name> will pull the latest image indicated in the docker-compose file

Hope it helps

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