Help with Rhasspy+Home Assistant using intent

No, so you cannot use this with build-in intents this way.
If you want this, you need to create your own intent_script with entity_id’s as templates.

Ok. There’s any example out there or a coobook?

I think that my question are made thousands of times

No cookbook, but this may help
Create a new slot named commands with:


Create a new slot named lights with:

striscia led
lampada scrivania
lampada simonasalvo
lampada fiore
jack lamp

Create a new slot rooms:

camera da letto
camera di adele
bagno principale
bagno secondario

Your sentences:

($commands){command} [il] [la] ($lights){light} [in] [ ($rooms){room} ]

Put something like this in you configuration yaml (I do not know the entity id’s of your lights

      - service_template: light.turn_{{ command }}
          entity_id: 'light.{{ light }}_{{ room }}'
      - service: mqtt.publish
          payload_template: '{"sessionId": "{{_intent.sessionId}}",
        "text": "Ok, {{ light }} {{ command }}"}'
          topic: hermes/dialogueManager/endSession
1 Like

light.turn_{{ command }} will become light.turn_on or light.turn_on
light.{{ light }}{{ room }} will become light.lampadario soggiorno, this might be tricky because I do not know your entitiy-id’s

The intent_script will also close the Rhasspy session with the mqtt.publish call

Ok clear.

Maybe I can use this:

      - service_template: light.turn_{{ command }}
          entity_id: 'light.{{ light }}'
          area_id: '{{ room }}'

according to this .

Another question (sorry!) ok for creating manual slots but I was wondering if those can be “automatically” created based on HA entities. Looking here it tells about slot_programs/hass/entities but it is no clear on how to create it.

Maybe pasting this file in /slot_programs/hass/entities ? It is enough? (EDIT: it doesn’t!. Even if the file is executable)

Possitbly yes, but then you must call it with “target”

Yes, that is where slot_programs are for :slight_smile:
That file should not go in slot_programs/hass/entities but in slot_programs/hass. The file itself is called entities, without extension

Here is some extra info (I have helped the user with the problem):

It might be a bit too much info, but this is important:

Also note that the script outputs the friendly names and the sentences will be trained on the friendly names.

It depend on this if you can use it in your intent_script or not

Uhm there’s something wrong.

Here’s a recap of all the steps:

  1. Downloaded entities in rhasspy/it/slot_programs/hass

  1. Changed proprierties to allow execution (see screenshot above).

  2. Reboot Rhasspy

  3. Added custom commands to sentences.ini

lights = $hass/entities,light
switches = $hass/entities,switch
entities = <lights> | <switches>
turn on [the] (<entities>){name}

turn off [the] (<HassTurnOn.entities>){name}

covers = $hass/entities,cover
open [the] (<covers>){name}

close [the] (<HassOpenCover.covers>){name}

entities = <HassTurnOn.entities> | <HassOpenCover.covers>
toggle [the] (<entities>){name}

set [the] (<HassTurnOn.lights>){name} [color] to ($hass/colors){color}
set [the] (<HassTurnOn.lights>){name} brightness to (0..100){brightness}
set [the] (<HassTurnOn.lights>){name} to (0..100){brightness} percent brightness

Saved and retrain.

Here’s a error:
CalledProcessError: Command '['/profiles/it/slot_programs/hass/entities', 'switch']' returned non-zero exit status 127.

Full log:

[ERROR:2021-07-09 15:27:10,209] rhasspyserver_hermes: Command ‘[’/profiles/it/slot_programs/hass/entities’, ‘switch’]’ returned non-zero exit status 127.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/”, line 1821, in full_dispatch_request
result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/”, line 1869, in dispatch_request
return await handler(**request_.view_args)
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/”, line 1313, in api_train
result = await core.train()
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/”, line 365, in train
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/”, line 87, in sentences_to_graph
File “/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-nlu/rhasspynlu/”, line 87, in get_slot_replacements
slot_command, universal_newlines=True
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 395, in check_output
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 487, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[’/profiles/it/slot_programs/hass/entities’, ‘switch’]’ returned non-zero exit status 127.
[DEBUG:2021-07-09 15:27:10,196] rhasspynlu.slots: Running program for slot hass/entities,switch: [’/profiles/it/slot_programs/hass/entities’, ‘switch’]
[DEBUG:2021-07-09 15:27:10,194] rhasspynlu.ini_jsgf: Loaded ini file
[DEBUG:2021-07-09 15:27:10,193] rhasspyserver_hermes: Generating intent graph
[DEBUG:2021-07-09 15:27:10,193] rhasspyserver_hermes: Loading sentences from [PosixPath(’/profiles/it/sentences.ini’)]
[INFO:2021-07-09 15:27:10,192] rhasspyserver_hermes: Starting training
[DEBUG:2021-07-09 15:27:08,679] rhasspyserver_hermes: Writing /profiles/it/sentences.ini

Do you have switches? It might be that the error occurs when you do not have them
Try only lights first

I did before posting (and I do have switches)


lights = $hass/entities,light
entities = <lights>
turn on [the] (<entities>){name}

turn off [the] (<HassTurnOn.entities>){name}

CalledProcessError: Command '['/profiles/it/slot_programs/hass/entities', 'light']' returned non-zero exit status 127.

Exit 127 is a command not found:
Maybe the file cannot be found

Maybe better to first focus on your problem with the area then.
Like I said, maybe the friendly names or not usable for you anyway?

But the file is there with the proprierties shown in the screenshot.

Also @nightingale seems to have same issue?

I tried it then to add the following to the sentences, but it did not work as it complained about not existing slots (e.g) $hass/entities,light and $hass/entities,switch

Regarding the area_id how can I test it if I am not able to connect Rhasspy to HA? Adding manually all the entities in slots?

For my curiosity: can Rhasspy use something like aliases in google assistant? For example calling a light

  1. Striscia LED
  2. LED
  3. Striscia

Start small, add a couple of them first to get things going.

OK I will add “manually” some light and see if the intent_works. I will come back with a feedback.

Are you using Home Assistant OS and Addon or something different?
Also, can you post a screen shot of the URL and token? Maybe there is an issue with that and the script needs it.

Home assistant OS in a VM. Rhasspy is another docker (not the addon).

Below is how the settings appears:

Looks ok, you say Rhasspy is in a docker.
Are you sure the path on your host: /mnt/user/appdata/rhasspy/it/slot_programs/hass is in the docker mapped to /profiles/it/slot_programs/hass?

It looks like you are missing the profiles folder, it might be:

I mapped the whole /profiles


infact if I for example rebuild the docker with en profile another folder is created. And when I manually added

colors in /mnt/user/appdata/rhasspy/it/slots/hass I found the file without issues



I tested the intent and this “works” (if I switch accendi to on).

on la piantana in soggiorno



      - service_template: >- #light.turn_{{ command }}
          area_id: "{{ room }}"
            - "light.{{ light }}"

I tried to change the service template with this:

  - service_template: >-
      {% if {{ command }} = "accendi" %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

But it is wrong.

So the connection with HA “exist” and the area_id works too. I still need to understand (with your help) why the script is not loaded. And the figure out how to write the template to manage command correctly. I found here a topic from a guy yesterday but it is made as an automation so the logic is different:

    platform: event
    event_type: rhasspy_ChangeLightState
    service_template: >
      {% if["command"] == "accendi" %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      entity_id: "light.{{['name'] }}

That is a bit strange indeed. 127 really is a file not found issue, but your mapping seems ok.
Is there a particular reason you do not use the Addon? It might help, even though the mapping seems ok there might be some issue we do not see. I use this exact file in the addon and that works without issues.

Try == instead of =

Just to have full power coming from my host while just the cpu destinated to the VM.

In the meantime I found out how to use it. I rewrite it here for noobs like me :slight_smile:


room_name = (soggiorno | cucina | camera da letto | camera di adele | bagno principale | bagno secondario | corridoio | studio) {room}
light_name = (lampadario | striscia led| lampada scrivania | lampada simonasalvo | lampada fiore | piantana | razzo | jack lamp) {light}
light_cmd = (accendi| spegni){command}

<light_cmd> [il] [la] <light_name> [in] [ <room_name> ]


      - service_template: >-
          {% if command == "accendi" %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          area_id: "{{ room }}"
            - "light.{{ light }}"

Now I go test the addon to see how it changes. In the meantime another question. Rhasspy allow to use aliases? Basically call a light with different names.

EDIT: it works with lights with one word (es: piantana). Lights with composite word are not managed correctly (es: jack lamp is managed as light.jack lamp, without the "_" so the intent script doesn’t work)

Nice that you have found a way :slight_smile: