Hass.io add-on not appearing after adding repo

Hi there,
I’m running Home Assistant HASS.io core-2021.5.3. I went to Supervisor > Add-on store > vertical … menu > Repositories > Add > https://github.com/synesthesiam/hassio-addons and then chose Refresh. Then I rebooted the host.

Now in the logs it says that it added 6 new add-ons:

…however no Add-ons from the repo (or even the repo name) show up when I search the Add-on store. I also tried with the https://github.com/rhasspy/hassio-addons repo:



There don’t appear to be any errors in the logs. So, how do I get the Rhasspy Add-on to show up so I can install it?

So it’s weird. I rebooted a number of times and refreshed the repositories and Rhasspy wasn’t coming up, and then I look the next day and it was just there. I’m not sure what fixed it, but it’s working now. :thinking: