Google AIY Voice Kit v1 - how to decrease sound from RHASSPY


I use Google AIY Voice Kit v1 with RPI3b+ and I have installed RHASSPY, it work good but I have one problem the sound produce by rhasspy is always high level.

I try with amixer for decrease sound to 50% but nothing do that.

Have you one idea for diagnostic this problem, please ?

Do you mean Pitch or Volume?
Because Alsamixer only adjusts volume as far as i know.
If you mean Volume, You need to check if your sound is handled by alsa in your rhasspy settings and if so which output device is used.
Then you should be able to adjust it via alsamixer or via the CLI -> here

Thank you, how to check if my sound is handled by alsa in RHasspy setting ?

My conf

"sounds": {
    "system": "aplay"

aplay is short for ALSAplay :wink: so you are using ALSA

ok, so if adjust volume master with command : Alsamixer, that should work ?
but that do nothing, 2020-08-19_09-36


I reply me, for control sound, i did choice to install .deb package and remove docker install and it work much better.

wait… so the issue was docker???

Yes perhaps, now .deb work for me

I’m using home assistant and node-red to process all of my voice commands.
I created a [SetVolume] intent that uses node-red to do an http POST to with the satellite siteId in the header.

I’m sure you could do it with a home assistant script also.
I can post the node-red function if you want to go that route.


It is old thread but:
I am using docker container also with Google AIY Voice Kit v1. The volume control is working from webgui wthout problem → Settings->Audio Playing->Volume. I can decrease , increase sound volume as i need.