Fuzzywuzzy BUG report

Why am I getting this message in the LOG after I’ve choosen the fuzzywuzzy for the intent recognition with minimal confidence 0.5?

[ERROR:2021-02-02 22:31:55,531] rhasspyserver_hermes: 41
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1821, in full_dispatch_request
    result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1869, in dispatch_request
    return await handler(**request_.view_args)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__main__.py", line 1455, in api_text_to_intent
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__main__.py", line 2705, in text_to_intent_dict
    result = await core.recognize_intent(text, intent_filter=intent_filter)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__init__.py", line 524, in recognize_intent
    raise NluException(result.error)
rhasspyserver_hermes.NluException: 41
[ERROR:2021-02-02 22:31:55,531] rhasspyserver_hermes: NluError(error='41', site_id='mobile-app1', context='установить освещение в столовая потолочные светильники в режим розовый на двести секунд когда присутствие', session_id='9b73124b-40b4-4a8f-b2ae-9d606568260a')

UPD: it turns out that not only recognition, but even trainening with fuzzywuzzy return error:

[ERROR:2021-02-03 13:22:07,147] rhasspyserver_hermes: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1821, in full_dispatch_request
    result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quart/app.py", line 1869, in dispatch_request
    return await handler(**request_.view_args)
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__main__.py", line 1321, in api_train
    result = await core.train()
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__init__.py", line 461, in train
  File "/usr/lib/rhasspy/rhasspy-server-hermes/rhasspyserver_hermes/__init__.py", line 971, in publish_wait
    result_awaitable, timeout=timeout_seconds
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 423, in wait_for
    raise futures.TimeoutError()
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:47,665] rhasspyserver_hermes: Handling AsrTrainSuccess (topic=rhasspy/asr/mobile-app1/trainSuccess, id=76df3843-e27e-4f1c-b749-64c6c4ffa8a8)
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,111] rhasspyserver_hermes: Publishing 48625 bytes(s) to rhasspy/nlu/mobile-app1/train
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,110] rhasspyserver_hermes: -> NluTrain
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,094] rhasspyserver_hermes: Publishing 48625 bytes(s) to rhasspy/asr/mobile-app1/train
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,094] rhasspyserver_hermes: -> AsrTrain
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,075] rhasspyserver_hermes: Subscribed to hermes/error/nlu
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,074] rhasspyserver_hermes: Subscribed to rhasspy/nlu/mobile-app1/trainSuccess
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,074] rhasspyserver_hermes: Subscribed to hermes/error/asr
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,074] rhasspyserver_hermes: Subscribed to rhasspy/asr/mobile-app1/trainSuccess
[DEBUG:2021-02-03 13:12:07,073] rhasspyserver_hermes: Finished writing /share/rhasspy/profiles/ru/intent_graph.pickle.gz

below is my setup:

    "command": {
        "webrtcvad": {
            "max_sec": "30",
            "silence_method": "all",
            "vad_mode": "3"
    "dialogue": {
        "system": "rhasspy"
    "handle": {
        "system": "hass"
    "home_assistant": {
        "access_token": token",
        "handle_type": "event",
        "url": ""
    "intent": {
        "fsticuffs": {
            "fuzzy": false
        "fuzzywuzzy": {
            "min_confidence": "0"
        "system": "fuzzywuzzy"
    "microphone": {
        "system": "pyaudio"
    "mqtt": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "host": "",
        "password": "pass",
        "site_id": "mobile-app1",
        "username": "user"
    "sounds": {
        "system": "aplay"
    "speech_to_text": {
        "kaldi": {
            "mix_weight": "0"
        "pocketsphinx": {
            "mix_weight": "0"
        "system": "kaldi"
    "text_to_speech": {
        "espeak": {
            "voice": "ru",
            "volume": "1"
        "marytts": {
            "locale": "ru",
            "url": "",
            "voice": "ac-irina-hsmm"
        "system": "marytts"
    "wake": {
        "porcupine": {
            "keyword_path": "porcupine_linux.ppn",
            "sensitivity": "0.9",
            "udp_audio": ""
        "system": "porcupine"

Does anyone have any suggestion why is that hapenning?

I have a similar problem.

until recently I used fasticuffs, which worked quite well together with speech recognition. I then added a chat bot to HA and rhasspy, so it can answer and handle text inputs as well. of course typing errors will prevent any intents to be found. thats why I want to switch to fuzzywuzzy.

the problem is - training seems not to work (at least it is not finished even after an hour running). fasticuffs took around a 40-50seconds.
also the “rhasspyfuzzywuzzy-hermes” process is eating up all the ram and cpu (19gigs and counting)

is there a limit to how many sentences it can handle? or is there a way to find out how many permutations there are in total at the moment?