I have been going through the forums and reading docs on the dialogue management and continuing sessions.
I was wondering on 2 things.
- I noticed that it seems alot of the dialogue management stuff is remotely triggered vs wake word triggered. Is that correct? Or am I misunderstanding? (examples of dialogue continuing from wakework detection would be fantastic!!
- Is there a way to format the sentences and slots so that an intent is identified even without the slots being filled in. Example below.
Lets say I want to do something like booking a flight (this is my go to example lol)
I would like to be able to say “book me a flight” and the intent would be recognized. BUT that intent before it can be handled has slots that are needed.
TravelFrom (where you flying from)
TravelTo (where you flying to)
TravelWhen (when do you want to fly)
I know there are more things like (number of people flying, which airline, ect) but for this example lets keep it easy with those 3.
So The idea is “Book me a flight” is a recognized intent. When the intent goes to the intent handler, how would you show that the slots are empty? How would you format the sentences?
I was thinking that if the intent of “Book a flight” was recognized, but the expected slots (don’t know how to indicate expected slots either) would be empty, then the dialogue manager would respond and do the continueSession and prompt for the missing info.
But I am unsure how to do this, or really where to get started. I can do python development so Im not afraid of taking that approach, just not sure how to format the sentences/slots/requirements.