Can't access to my profile from Docker

Hi to all,

I’m new here. I installed Rhasspy yesterday and it worked.

But when I wanted to restart today, I seemed to have a problem with Docker, or is it with Rhasspy? As I never used Docker from a command line, I’m confused.

As I understand, it should start again on its own, as I typed
docker run -d -p 12101:12101 --name rhasspy --restart unless-stopped -v "$HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" --device /dev/snd:/dev/snd rhasspy/rhasspy --user-profiles /profiles --profile en

But it does not, even if wait for 10 minutes. Then I try
docker run rhasspy
I get this:
Unable to find image ‘rhasspy:latest’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for rhasspy, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.

So I try the original command and I get:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name “/rhasspy” is already in use by container “760abb6098de5764330eb8a4805be9b5240f59857b1b22d07a4898016437956c”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
See ‘docker run --help’.

I tried to create another profile
docker run -d -p 12101:12101 --name rhasspy-fr --restart unless-stopped -v "$HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" --device /dev/snd:/dev/snd rhasspy/rhasspy --user-profiles /profiles --profile fr
but Docker opened my profile in English without creating a new one.

Now when I try to access rhasspy-fr:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name “/rhasspy-fr” is already in use by container “d5c942ba677fbe46aebcd3533f6ebf9601ffe0305da31083599bf83f2895e282”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
See ‘docker run --help’.
And with
docker run rhasspy-fr
it complains this profile does not exist:
Unable to find image ‘rhasspy-fr:latest’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for rhasspy-fr, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.

First of all can you run docker ps -a docker doc this should display your currently running or stopped docker containers.
If you are trying to run them both at the same time you are going to have an issue because you have used the same port for both of them.
Another question so i can understand your problem better. What do you mean with trying to access rhasspy-fr?
If a docker container is stopped you can start it again with docker start container-name where container-name is the name or id of the stopped container.

Here is the result of docker ps -a
f89136367b9d nodered/node-red “npm --no-update-not…” 5 hours ago Exited (255) 2 hours ago>1880/tcp angry_banzai
d5c942ba677f rhasspy/rhasspy “bash /usr/lib/rhass…” 25 hours ago Created rhasspy-fr
760abb6098de rhasspy/rhasspy “bash /usr/lib/rhass…” 2 days ago Exited (255) 2 hours ago>12101/tcp rhasspy

First of all, I understand I was wrong using run instead of start
From the result of docker ps -a I see that I have created 2 containers but rhasspy-fr has no ports indicated, which is probably wrong. So that I will need to erase this one…

Anyway I still don’t understand why docker does not start from itself with rhasspy, as this container has been created with the option --restart unless-stopped

Last question but not least: why is docker so slow? I must wait up to 10 minutes for any start or stop command.

It should restart if you did not use docker stop container-name before.
Starting or stopping container should not take that long. Creating a new container can take a while especially if the image has to be pulled first.

At this stage, thank you for your help!
The reason I can think of for the latency is that I am using a USB flash drive here. I usually don’t have problems of this kind with an SD card.
Last thing: I’ve tried docker rmi d5c942ba677f to remove the rhasspy-fr container but the command is made for an image not a container… I can’t find the right one.

The command for removing a container is docker rm container-name you have to stop the container first.

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