2.5, venv, run with systemd impossible

I have rhasspy 2.5.pre running in a virtual env on a pi 3 with precise wakeword detection, remote stt (with kaldi) and remote tts via marytts.

I had to do several patches to make this work (fix runner, install phonetisaurus manually, global pulseaudio, replace record and play with local commands parec and paplay).

It runs fine when started via ssh.
However, adapting the “old” (2.4) systemd user service, I run into trouble with supervisord:

May 19 19:49:15 kitchen-satellite systemd[499]: Started Rhasspy.
May 19 19:49:15 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: Starting up...
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspysupervisor:Namespace(debug=True, docker_compose='', local_mqtt_port=12183, p
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspysupervisor:Loading profile en (user=/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles, syste
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspyprofile.profile:Loading /home/pi/rhasspy-voltron/rhasspy-profile/rhasspyprof
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspyprofile.profile:Loading /home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles/en/profile.json
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspysupervisor:Generating supervisord conf
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: WARNING:rhasspysupervisor:No microphone device listing command provided.
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: WARNING:rhasspysupervisor:No microphone device testing command provided.
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: WARNING:rhasspysupervisor:No sound output device listing command provided.
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: WARNING:rhasspysupervisor:No speech to text training URL was provided
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspysupervisor:Intent handling disabled (system=dummy)
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: DEBUG:rhasspysupervisor:Wrote /home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles/en/supervisord.conf
May 19 19:49:17 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: Starting services...
May 19 19:49:18 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: 2020-05-19 19:49:18,428 INFO supervisord started with pid 18663
May 19 19:49:19 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: 2020-05-19 19:49:19,431 INFO spawnerr: unknown error making dispatchers for 'mqtt': ENXIO
May 19 19:49:19 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: 2020-05-19 19:49:19,434 INFO spawnerr: unknown error making dispatchers for 'dialogue': E
May 19 19:49:19 kitchen-satellite rhasspy[18514]: 2020-05-19 19:49:19,438 INFO spawnerr: unknown error making dispatchers for 'speech_to_text': ENXIO

So, all subservices fail to start.

Any systemd lovers here that have a clue what is going wrong?

Here is my user service:

pi@kitchen-satellite:~/rhasspy-voltron $ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/rhasspy.service 
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc '/home/pi/rhasspy-voltron/bin/rhasspy-voltron --profile en'





This seems to be the same issue as discovered in Making rhasspy 2.5 venv run as a service on pi zero


i used the trick with rpi3 without problem.

Can you put here the supervisord.conf ?
