I am Gido am ex snips users and amature skill developer… I normally work as a frontend developer and Python isnt my native language… I tried installing rhasspy a few times but only after seeing this video Privacy Aware Voice Assistant, now for real: Mycroft, Rhasspy, and Node-RED - Part 2 (Rhasspy) - YouTube from ulno. I also didnt want to depend on a docker service and wanted to locally install rhasspy.
since a few days I started reprogramming and optimizing a collection of skills which I already made at snips and combined all together running as one service listening on the mqtt commands…The project is in german and english (eventhough I didnt get the timer running in english yet)
My goal is to replace my alexa device theirfor I need a kitchen timer, a way to play music preferably the ones I realy own as mp3’s, perhaps hear some streaming radio, watch youtube, make a playlist (which is still still not possible at Alexa I presume), turn on and off the lights in the apartment (already working on this), and last but not least a face regonition (or if you rhasspy guys get it working a voice regonition) to be able to know who whos talking with the device and later on train the device on the needs of the people in the apartment and of course totally offline… and I dont want to use homeautomation… I want to code it myself totally offline… okay I do use the wavenet voices from google but who cares…
I didnt understood the weatherskill (which was shown here in the forum) compared to the snips skill it had a zillion more files and presumably is way better but I presume I will take the snips version and the snips thinking of just acting on the mqtt actions. There are no skills at Rhasspy, the Alice Project has them. I dont think the skills at snips were an ideal world, for there is no overall command like stop, cancel, next or previous… how can the raspi know what “next” means when I play music or play video if I make 2 different skills… therefor I am now making an overall project with all the skills I need and an overall next etc command
You can see my rhasspy project working here in german
(the sound of the device is not very high and harder to hear for while playing music while the boxes are too near mycroft doesnt react anymore)
perhaps it is baby python though it works almost perfectly in german but I am still struggeling with the english timer. I noticed using numbers like (1…10000) make the training last for aaages… so I reduced those numbers
You can find the baby WIP code here
If you have music just put the music in the /home/pi/Music directory and if you say scan the music this directory gets scanned and 2 files are generated, one with all information about the mp3 and one with a json list of all artists… I used the json list to add the artists to the slot “artists” and manually add the artists to the slot… but I will try to add the artist slot automaticly and then retrain rhasspy this is great for not even snips had this … snips had a super long list of artists but a lot of artists in my personal mp3 where not on their list therefor unreachable…
I will also add a virtaul display of what is happening at rhasspy as soon as I have my skills done…
I am hoping there will be a personal wakeword somehow so I can differ who is talking to the machine that did work at snips and the possibilty to make a question by rhasspy to confirm something or to just ask something. And of course to be able to translate longer texts which have nknown words… I know this does work with Kaldi. I installed Kaldi a while ago and used my translation skill from snips and it was able to translate with microsoft azure on the fly. I know there is a variable which one can set here but then it works for everything you say and works slow, it would be great to have some like I say translate from russian to english, rhaspy says “okay lets start” and then starts translating everthing it hears till I say “stop translating”… dreams
awesome project! love it!