Hi, I’m using latest rhasspy release with:
- Italian language and Kaldi
- fsticuffs for intent recognition
- snowboy jarvis (0.5,0.5) for wake up
- master/satellite setup
The Kaldi STT is really better than phocketsphninx but I have issues with intent recognition that make it unusable.
It seems that if it doens’t recognize a valid intent it chooses one randomly…
The major issues:
- sometimes if I tell “turn on (light){light}” it recognized “start cleaning” or some other intent randomly
- I have an intent to change tv channel and sometimes happens that it changes the tv channel but I never pronunced “jarvis” or “change tv channel to (channel){channel}”.
I’ve tried to increase jarvis sensibility to avoid false positive wakeups.
But I don’t know ho to resolve the random intent recognition issue.
Probably something is wrong in with my slots or sentences?
Example log. I tell only “jarvis” and it recognized an intent…
[DEBUG:2020-12-24 12:22:34,881] rhasspyserver_hermes: <- NluIntent(input=‘metti tv_salone 1’, intent=Intent(intent_name=‘TvChangeChannel’, confidence_score=1.0), site_id=‘satellite1’, id=None, slots=[Slot(entity=‘tv’, value={‘kind’: ‘Unknown’, ‘value’: ‘tv_salone’}, slot_name=‘tv’, raw_value=‘tivvu’, confidence=1.0, range=SlotRange(start=6, end=15, raw_start=6, raw_end=11)), Slot(entity=‘rhasspy/number’, value={‘kind’: ‘Number’, ‘value’: 1}, slot_name=‘channel’, raw_value=‘uno’, confidence=1.0, range=SlotRange(start=16, end=17, raw_start=12, raw_end=15))], session_id=‘satellite1-jarvis-49959f96-54f9-455d-8ebe-ba9ddc58e965’, custom_data=None, asr_tokens=[[AsrToken(value=‘metti’, confidence=1.0, range_start=0, range_end=5, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘tv_salone’, confidence=1.0, range_start=6, range_end=15, time=None), AsrToken(value=‘1’, confidence=1.0, range_start=16, range_end=17, time=None)]], asr_confidence=None, raw_input=‘metti tivvu uno’, wakeword_id=‘jarvis’, lang=None)
[WARNING:2020-12-24 12:22:30,233] rhasspyserver_hermes: Dialogue management is disabled. ASR will NOT be automatically enabled.
[DEBUG:2020-12-24 12:22:30,232] rhasspyserver_hermes: <- HotwordDetected(model_id=‘jarvis’, model_version=’’, model_type=‘personal’, current_sensitivity=0.5, site_id=‘satellite1’, session_id=None, send_audio_captured=None, lang=None)