This is what I did, as I mentioned in my first post when I said that I tried linking my asoundrc.conf into the container. The container uses the host’s config successfully.
ALSA does take a bit to get your head wrapped around it all, but I feel like I’ve got a good grasp on it at this point - at least on the host directly. It’s the Docker game I’m still trying to figure out
I’m sure if I ran Rhasspy through venv, I wouldn’t be having the issue… It’s something with Docker for sure.
No difference in the output with aplay -v in the container or out of it. I just get the error message inside the container whenever something is already playing out of it.
Yeah not really sure how to get more debug from alsa as its tricky if the logs and verbose output don’t give a clue.
Maybe alsa-info would show something but doubt it.
I would post elsewhere as the title of this thread is prob stopping replies.
Or Venv as presume on a zero being in a container is of little benefit.
Maybe just needs a unique ipc_key to host such as ipc_key 555555 and maybe create a asound.conf in $HOME as a dumb conatiner file or something so they can have different keys.
But dunno that is a straw clutch.
Now strangely because I have the 4 mic linear I haven’t been able to run ec_hw yet as not really sure which channel is the loopback.
But will try but the 4 mic linear seems great and actually not bad for £25 but the linear mic strip suits prob a retangle ‘radio’ shape box due to length.
I am pretty sure I can add some extra filters forgot the music term but that will filter out the low volume and that should reduce even further.
Speex & EC doesn’t totally remove echo and really needs the same sound card as clock drift kills its function.
But on a soundcard and presuming the 2mic will be the same its likely effective EC can be used to give a mic signal fit for purpose.
Now what I have to do is figure out how to install the drivers with rt-prempt kernel and see if that gives any improvement.
I ran with default EC settings so should also give that a play and think my pi4 is about 50ms latency so used that.
But I would say that this will run on a Pi3a+ dunno about the zero though.
I am using not sure what the speex alsa-plugins actually do?
Still got it set up via alsa with the ec asound.conf
Whats the term for a musical filter that removes the low volume portion of a wav?
But prob a few things I can still do to improve further.
Sorry I did not read whole topic, but I can confirm, that Respeaker Mic Array v2 (USB) work very well with AEC (so MIC listen while audio is being played via same card). I reflashed firmware to 48kHz 1 mic channel. The only problem was to get Respeaker card working both output for Respeaker in Docker and Snapcast on host. I did solve it with help of others here on the forum.
Yeah the $70 Respeaker Mic Array v2 damn well ought to have hardware DSP
You can do it with software with $10 2 mic Pi soundcards, been on a bit of a crusade to get it working.
I found that you have to have playback/capture on the same cards as since I got a 4mic linear for Pi software AEC works quite well.
The idea is satellite speaker/mics with with Pi4/Respeaker V2 USB starts to get a tad expensive.
But you can Pi3A+/2mic4Pi AEC away quite nicely for $35 and as a disclaimer haven’t tried the Pi3A+ but the load is so little on the Pi4 that I am presuming its yes.
I should get my skates on and check that.
There is a Master/Satellite form of Rhasspy that has a number of advantages and is pretty cool, but costs can quickly add up.
There is also the Software AEC of pulseaudio but again pulseaudio can be a docker pain and its adding more bloat to low end satellites that are little more than streaming speakers with mic arrays.
I think its of more interest for those who want to run home cloud AI without big data services.
But localising and distributing voice capture and creating what is essentially a wide array microphone has natural physics on its side rather than technology.
PS if anyone is trying the software.
Is slightly wrong edit ec.c so the frame size is a power of 2 and your FFT filter will be much better (128, 256 or 512) prob.
The line int frame_size = config.rate * 10 / 1000; // 10 ms even for someone like me is easy to change, then make.
The above line is likely to make primes not good for FFT.
[Pi3] with a quick test seems very much like the Pi4
Thanks. I know of it and tested it a few months back to no avail. AEC is pretty inexistant and audio playback quality suffers from strange saturation issues.
Seed has stated on their forum that the playback quality / AEC issue can not be solved because of the limited capabilities of the XMOS chip.
Hello, sorry for late reply. The sound with 48kHz is little bit better than 16kHz, but is is far from perfect, there are some strange artifacts. AEC seems to be working but is far from perfect, especially when playing loud music.
I did checked all available MICs arrays, but all seems to be based on same chip (xmos XVF-3000), with same 16kHz limitation. I can only hope for some new MIC array with xmos XVF-3500 to arrive soon. :-o
Could you try and help this guy out a Mic wise the Anker Anker PowerConf seems to be an amazing piece of kit.
For some reason aplay -Dplughw:1 -r16000 -f S16_LE file_example_WAV_10MG.wav works perfectly but playback from Rhasspby is cutting at the start and I am unsure why.
But might be of interest as they are a pretty new product and if aplay -Dplughw:1 -r16000 -f S16_LE file_example_WAV_10MG.wav works fine from the cli then I can not see it being the hardware.
Only thing I haven’t done is suggest creating an asound.conf defining sample rates and channels maybe summing them.
Sort of hard work remote and blind, I might take the plunge and buy one.
I’m using a ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array with a raspberry pi 3b+ and cannot run ec with “./ec -i plughw:CARD=seeed4micvoicec,DEV=0 -o plughw:CARD=seeed4micvoicec,DEV=0 -d 200”
It just says
cannot open audio device plughw:CARD=seeed4micvoicec,DEV=0 (No such file or directory)
Anyone have a respaeker 4 mic and got this working?
My arecord -L:
Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
JACK Audio Connection Kit
PulseAudio Sound Server
Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server
bcm2835 HDMI 1
USB Stream Output
bcm2835 Headphones
USB Stream Output
seeed-4mic-voicecard, bcm2835-i2s-ac10x-codec0 ac10x-codec.1-003b-0
Default Audio Device
seeed-4mic-voicecard, bcm2835-i2s-ac10x-codec0 ac10x-codec.1-003b-0
Direct sample mixing device
seeed-4mic-voicecard, bcm2835-i2s-ac10x-codec0 ac10x-codec.1-003b-0
Direct sample snooping device
seeed-4mic-voicecard, bcm2835-i2s-ac10x-codec0 ac10x-codec.1-003b-0
Direct hardware device without any conversions
seeed-4mic-voicecard, bcm2835-i2s-ac10x-codec0 ac10x-codec.1-003b-0
Hardware device with all software conversions
USB Stream Output
You are missing card 0 from your cut and paste but presume thats the loopback.
But that looks like the respeaker is not installed or installed but not found.
If Im not mistaken, you are using the normal 4mic Respeaker Board that doenst have an audio out. So you will not find it in your aplay.
In this case, your sound output is probably routed through the 3.5mm from the PI itself.