How to (allways) add the siteId from Rhasspy to Home Assistant ?
Wihtout having to setup mqtt (awainting for 2.5
What I got into HA :
"event_type": "rhasspy_SetLight",
"data": {
"piece": "bureau",
"_text": "allume le bureau",
"_raw_text": "allume le bureau"
"origin": "REMOTE",
"time_fired": "2020-03-23T14:19:34.129864+00:00",
"context": {
"id": "a6e08f1de66848d2ac6205d77120f552",
"parent_id": null,
"user_id": "d2c36efd2ee24987ac996426821a428b"
I would like to add it into Data, obviously …
Thanks for your help
It might work if you use intents in Home Assistant. I did not try, but I think the siteId is a property.
The most easy way is setup MQTT 
I’m trying to get something similar working and could do with some help please.
I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 3b+ set up with Rhasspy2.5.0 running in Docker. (standalone at present, working towards making it a satellite but that’s yet to come!) It’s working with Home Assistant in Docker which is doing the intent handling and returning a spoken reply where required, and this is working as expected. I also have Rhasspy already working (standalone) on my NUC in Docker. The two instances of Rhasspy have different siteId’s.
At present I’m using the simple approach of having a different intent name and matching automation in HA for each of the instances. This does work, but involves a fair bit of duplication, and I’d like to do something a bit more elegant.
I’ve tried to pick up the value of siteId and use that in a single HA automation with a template like this snippet…
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
- service: rest_command.rhasspy_speak
ipnum: >
{% if trigger.event.rhasspy_GetTime.siteId == "Master" %}
{% elif trigger.event.rhasspy_GetTime.siteId == "RPi" %}
{% endif %}
but although I don’t see errors, no speech comes back when I use this. I could well have the format all wrong - any automation/JSON experts out there?
I know there is an alternative way for HA to handle intents which is the “intent” approach - I haven’t tried this yet but will try to give it a go soon. Does anyone know if it can do what I’m proposing?
Edit: formatted code snippet better (I hope).
If you set up Rhasspy with an external MQTT broker that is also shared with Home Assistant, Rhasspy 2.5-pre sends TTS back to the satellite that initiated the intent. Make sure you have the following in your Home Assistant’s configuration.yaml
You can then disable Intent Handling in Rhasspy (the Snips integration will listen on the correct MQTT topics and handle the intents), and then set up intent scripts like this:
type: plain
text: 'OK, the light is now {{ state }}.'
- service_template: 'light.turn_{{ state }}'
entity_id: '{{ light }}'
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Events are slightly different compared to intents. Here’s the same intent above as an event:
- alias: "Rhasspy light state change"
platform: event
event_type: rhasspy_ChangeLightState
service_template: 'light.turn_{{ trigger.event.data.state.value }}'
entity_id: '{{ trigger.event.data.light.value }}'
Thank you very much for the hints. I’ll have another play later today. 
I am already using an external MQTT broker, shared with HA, so that bit is in place and working.
I’ll add the snips: bit in configuration.yaml and carry on from there.