SEEED SNIPS hardware used to demo Rhasspy?

Since SNIPS is now out of the Makers realm, has anyone looked at converting the SEEED SNIPS voice interaction base to run Rhasspy demos. Seems like a nice, all in one demo system with most everything required to run Rhasspy, at not too terrible a price… or am I wrong about this?

This will certainly run Rhasspy, as they are just using the ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT in their kit. If you search on this forum, you will find some information about using this HAT with Rhasspy.

This kit is well suited for Rhasspy. Actually you can get everything you need at a lower price. Just buy a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with a suitable SD card. The ReSpeaker 2 Mics Pi HAT Board is also available separately and very cheap and you have the necessary basic system together. The audio codec WM8960 works very well as audio input and output with Rhasspy and thanks to the support of @KiboOst and the developer Psychokiller1888 (from project Alice) the RGB Leds of the 2 Mics Pi HAT Board are now supported directly by Rhasspy. The Seed Snips set also includes a sensor for humidity and temperature and a relay that can control a consumer via a GPIO port. If you are good at programming this is already no problem with Rhasspy. In a short time the MQTT/Hermes protocol and the emerging “Skill” functionality of Rhasspy will be extended to the point where it only needs a few lines of Python code and you will have the same functionality as with Snips, only that Rhasspy is already much better in many points.


Thanks Koan and Thinker, appreciate the insights. I really liked the idea of a single kit, that once assembled, could do something tangible without additional effort. That sets the hook for more interest and more development instantly.
I am a bit surprised that SEEED has not developed a new SD card to support Rhasspy after SNIPS was ingested by SONOS. Seems like a decent way of keeping current and future customers happy.

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