Rhasspy 2.5.8 Released


  1. Trying to use hermes/asr/startListening but can’t understand - do I need to send hermes/asr/stopListening and do I need to control - sessionId? /api/listen-for-command - looks more simple :grinning:
  2. Can I set, as example - ?intent=VacuumControl ?!

I’m looking the way to realize next logic at Rhasspy <-> HA:
– Rhasspy, Start Vacuum cleaner (we are have intent but we need to specify it)
– (HA answer) - Please, specify the place of cleaning
– Rhasspy, (we do not need to say intent again, we just list places) kitchen, hall, etc

As I can imagine this - I could send api call /api/listen-for-command?intent=VacuumControl and Rhasspy, knowing about intent, waiting for only <place1> [and] [<place2>] [and] [<place3>] etc.

Continue to adjust Rhasspy for my tasks. For me doesn’t work Volume control WAV Sounds. Audio Playing Volume control works as expected. I’m using alsa. Am I doing something wrong?

I see /api/set-volume but how I can get current volume level?

I don’t have a message or API for this yet, and it can be more complex if it involves satellites. Unless you set it otherwise, all the volumes should start out at 1.0.

The volume should be between 0 and 1, so try something like 0.5.

A part of my profile below. Does WAV Sounds volume work only if Dialougue manager enabled on satellite?
0.05 - Sound volume
0.15 - Audio playing volume

    "dialogue": {
        "satellite_site_ids": "default,sat1",
        "volume": "0.05"
    "sounds": {
        "aplay": {
            "device": "sysdefault:CARD=Headphones",
            "volume": "0.15"

Late to the party here. :wink: What can I say, real life has been quite demanding. Gave my Rhasspy nodes an update from 2.5.5 this morning. Piece of cake, took only a few minutes to download, extract, and setup. Thank you, @synesthesiam !!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone in the Rhasspy community!!

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Hello @synesthesiam,

I’m trying to upgrade to 2.5.8 as I see the deb packages are fixed (thanks :slight_smile: for maintaning it, and as true packages and not as an AppImage).

I’m facing an odd dependency requirement on libgfortran3 : it is not available in debian buster which have been the stable distro for a while now. The previous versions of rhasspy were depending on libgfortran4 I think, which is available on debian buster.

Is it possible to fix that dependency ?

Edit : hum, if I instruct dpkg to ignore dependency to libgfortran3 (and by the way to llvm-7-runtime that appeared with 2.5.8 too), it works. I would encourage to minimize the required dependencies (by modularizing at least) to control the “monolithication” of rhasspy. It is something that does not provide new features but is essential to keep a project maintainable :slight_smile:


I may be interested in that feature (if needed to deal with two satellites hearing the same command), but I’m not able to find doc about it :blush:, could you kindly provide instructions for using it ?

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Simply rename the satellites (siteIds) you wish to group with a prefix. Rhasspy will silently ignore other satellites in a group if a satellite is already active from that group. For example, your satellites could be named like so:


If you wake the kitchen satellite, then Rhasspy will ignore the living room whilst the kitchen session is active. The front bedroom will activate as normal. The back bedroom is not in a group, as it has no prefix. However, depending on proximity of the devices there’s always a chance your desired satellite is not the one that is activated, but it will then block your desired satellite from activating until the session is finished.

Don’t forget to amend the satellite siteIds on the master device! :slightly_smiling_face:


My Rhasspy don’t detect the group.
The group is rdc.
The satellite1 is rdc.bureau and the satellite2 is rdc.salon
Here my log, with 2 sessions (in the same second) et my configuration :

[DEBUG:2020-12-31 17:23:14,398] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> DialogueSessionStarted(session_id=‘rdc.salon-snowboy-2bd12d65-7d33-4cf6-a771-e2037d9a4fd6’, site_id=‘rdc.salon’, custom_data=‘snowboy’, lang=None)
[DEBUG:2020-12-31 17:23:14,547] rhasspydialogue_hermes: -> DialogueSessionStarted(session_id=‘rdc.bureau-snowboy-cd4563a6-3840-43b7-9c7c-5c34a4c1c067’, site_id=‘rdc.bureau’, custom_data=‘snowboy’, lang=None)

"dialogue": {
    "group_separator": "rdc.",
    "satellite_site_ids": "rdc.bureau,rdc.salon",
    "system": "rhasspy"

Could you explain my error ?

Hi!!.. Have a great 2021!

have problems enabling spanish support. English is perfect , but in Spanish timeout errors and NewDecoder returned -1 are killing me!.

SOme ideas’?.. may be fixed in next release?


Hi [synesthesiam]

Thanks for this great release!..

I´m trying to get working in Spanish using Pocketsphinx but looks like all files are not downloading to install , and even using kaldi also does not download. Plus other problems related apparently with ASR that caused timeout problems. Wht do you suggest_… i´ve tried using traditional install through debian package and docker.

Englis works nice, but looking to work in Spanish.

Have a great 2021!

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Your group separator value is incorrect - including the group in the separator value effectively nullifies the group. It should just be a dot, as that is the separator between the group and siteId. Change your config to this:

"dialogue": {
    "group_separator": ".",
    "satellite_site_ids": "rdc.bureau,rdc.salon",
    "system": "rhasspy"
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Hi, @chbarrer thanks for trying Rhasspy :slight_smile:

It turns out there were errors in both the Pocketsphinx and Kaldi Spanish download links. I’m fixing them now, and will push out an update to the Docker image and Debian files soon (I’ll post here to let you know).

Hi, I just realized that for the german deepspeech the download links seem to be wrong aswell.

I am getting the following error:

DownloadFailedException: (‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/de_deepspeech-aashishag/9fe9fbd758b2f775650ad0972710256d65be1317/model/alphabet.txt’, ‘File size mismatch (got 14 byte(s), expected 338)’)

Ok now i just copied the files manually from https://github.com/synesthesiam/de_deepspeech-aashishag/releases/tag/v1.0
but then I am getting time_out errors. Similar to what I have with Larynx TTS

The next version of Rhasspy (2.5.9) is finally upgrading the DeepSpeech service to v0.9. I’m including updated models, and I’ve also managed to get streaming speech working too (decoding as you’re speaking).

I’m hoping this will solve a lot of the performance problems with DeepSpeech on the Raspberry Pi’s. Larynx is another issue, unfortunately; I don’t know that there’s going to be any performance improvements for it that I can make for a while.

Funny I was just looking this morning to understand how to update DeepSpeech to 0.9 XD

Do you have an ETA on Rhasspy 2.5.9? Also, since we’re on the subject: what’s the easiest way to update Rhasspy? Didn’t see anything in the docs.

I think I read you’re using Docker. If so, you can just stop and delete the container and then create a new container with the latest image (either by pulling the image first, or pulling it when you create the container).

I’m new to Docker, would that keep my settings and everything? Or would I need to set it all up again?

It’ll keep your settings as long as you followed the tutorial and did a -v <external_directory>:/profiles in your docker run command.

If you’re nervous, there’s a “Backup Profile” button in the settings :slight_smile:

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Hoping either today or this weekend :+1: