Rhasspy 2.5.10 Released

Have you found a fix for matrix issues on 2.5.10. I just upgraded and now it doesn’t see the Matrix Voice

@synesthesiam Any ETA on Snips NLU being added back?

Great update! Larynx voices sound really nice compared to Pico/Nano TTS. Was getting like 2-3 seconds for it to come out of raspberry pi 4 in the last version of rhasspy. Will be interesting to see how all these changes stack up. Cheers. I had been using intents for stopping voice. But now that you put a stop word thing. I will try that. Will get back to you if i run into any problems. We need an ereader tts with this Larynx. Sounds really great.

Also one question. What does 64 bit support look like? I have been assuming there is none and have been using 32 bit Raspbian lite.

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Sorry, @itsMattShull , no ETA at this point. The main blocker for me was getting the Rust dependencies to work correctly in the Docker image and Debian packages.

If you’ve already trained a SnipsNLU engine, the rhasspy-snips-nlu-hermes service can just read that and respond to NLU queries. But you’d have to run it separately for now (setting your NLU service to “Hermes MQTT”).

Thanks! I’m actually working on this now. It will keep a certain number of sentences ahead, reading the book to you in real-time. My other goal has been to get it fast enough that Larynx could be used with something like the Orca screen reader.

Surprisingly, 64-bit support is actually better than 32-bit for the RPi these days for software libraries. I often have to build the 32-bit ARM versions of things myself, since the authors will typically offer 64-bit x86/64 and ARM builds.

You’ll also find Larynx to be significantly after on 64-bit ARM :+1:

Hello, I’m new on the automation topic, I’m trying to configure rhasspy in Spanish in home assistant (hass.io), and try to install it only in English… It could be alguien del foro ayudarme… You can’t figure out how to configure it. … thanks to everyone.

Hi cris,

I am not really sure what you want.

  • is your HA in Spanish and you want it in English?
  • Do you want Rhasspy in Spanish?

Hi, I’m sorry, English is not my native language, I hope you can understand me. I want to install and be able to configure Rhasspy in Spanish in hass.io. I could not configure it, I would appreciate your help.

If you are using Home Assistant, I suggest you use the addon: GitHub - rhasspy/hassio-addons: Add-ons for Home Assistant's Hass.IO
On what hardware do you run Home Assistant? Can you attach a microphone or does it sit somewhere in a closet?

(post deleted by author)

In a raspberry pi4 with hass.io ( mic and speaker conected with audio adaper and reconozed by home assistant) and the rhasppy addons, I want to configure it in Spanish and I can only use English, also in English it does not recognize the complete requirements well, only partially some phrases. I hope you can help me please. And thanks.