Passing language setting to intent

Hello all,

I am trying to create an intent and I would like to make it language independent. Meaning that based on the spoken language I give an answer back in the same language. This should be possible as the tts and stt is configured for a specific language. However in the mqtt message for the intent every time the lang variable is set to null.

How can I make sure that this variable is filled with the language configured in Rhasspy?



In the profile.json of your Dutch language profile, add "lang": "nl" to the "intent" section, and add "lang": "en" to the English profile. The lang attribute is then set to the right value.

A while ago I tested just what you described, adding gettext to the intent handler script to load the response of the right language, and this approach works. @EinfachArne implemented this too, and I really like his implementation. You can find it here:

Thanks, that did indeed the trick. I only had to restart the whole docker instance as a restart did not work.

Thanks for the pointer, I will have a look at it.

