Hogwarts Assistant

If you’re interested, we’ve added a new video to the previously posted Google album which showcases some additional features in our system.

@synesthesiam, feel free to share the videos to the Rhasspy Twitter feed. Sorry for my earlier decline, I don’t maintain much of a social media presence so my default is to typically avoid anything social media related. Just a personality quirk I suppose. :man_shrugging:

But if you’d like to share it, feel free. I hope it stimulates creativity and brings joy to others! :smile:


Thank you! I’ve posted it to the @rhasspy Twitter account :slight_smile:

Hopefully you’ll get some donations to your Patreon!

@synesthesiam No problem, I hope my project inspires creativity in others! :peace_symbol: :heart:

Not sure what you mean about Patreon though, I don’t have one. :man_shrugging: :laughing:

I thought I saw a link at the end of the video, but maybe I misunderstood :laughing:

@synesthesiam, ah I see the misunderstanding. Our system plays Harry Potter videos from content creators on YouTube via our Chromecast and some of them must have Patreon setup. So, that’s what you noticed in the demo video. :wink:

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Here’s an instructional video which demonstrates the technique used to create our Hogwarts assistant. Hopefully you find it helpful and it inspires your own creativity. :peace_symbol:


Great video, thanks for taking the time to make it! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help promote it :slight_smile:

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No problem, glad you enjoyed it. I plan to add some shorter videos to that channel that focus on some fun intent creation. Feel free to share with anyone you think might dig it. :smile:

Also, if I haven’t said it previously, thanks to everyone responsible for creating and maintaining Rhasspy! Our household has been loving the assistant I built using it. :peace_symbol: :purple_heart:

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Posted a new tutorial. This one focuses on fetching the current weather conditions from OpenWeatherMap. I hope you find it helpful & fun. :peace_symbol:

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New tutorial is up. This one shows an example of playing the hourly NPR news, with some Harry Potter flair of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s quite a bit longer than the others as I decided to do it in one take. Not sure if that’s better or worse :man_shrugging:

Hope you find it entertaining and helpful. :peace_symbol:

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