Error installing Rhasspy in Pi 3

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Not sure if it’s the same issue, but there was a Github issue about this a while back. Something about supervisord and stdout being replaced with sockets seems to mess with systemd?

I believe a “solution” is to replace ExecStart with something like:

bash -o pipefail -c '{ /usb/bin/rhasspy -p fr 2>&1 | cat >&2 3>&-; } 3>&1'

Thanks a lot for link and in fact I solved problem with that command line for ExecStart (last message in topic you linked in github :wink: :

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c ‘rhasspy --profile fr 2>&1 | cat’

Will go on setup of rhasspy with Home Assistant now :wink:

Thanks Michael,
This has been a lot of work for you, just for Xmas eve…
But I keep my Rhasspy on docker, even if it can’t run with PulseAudio, which I dislike anyway. I’m better off with Alsa.